Intercessory Prayers for Christmas Eve, Cycle B (December 24, 2017) and Christmas Day (December 25, 2017)
Christmas Eve, Cycle B (December 24, 2017)
Christmas Day (December 25, 2017)
O come, let us adore Christ our Lord, and kneel before him with our prayers and supplications.
A brief silence
O Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing: enflesh yourself in your Church. Grant that all its words speak you, the Living Word. Let it be your star of hope, burning in the world’s darkness. By its deeds of mercy, draw many to kneel in awe and wonder before you, and there find life.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O loveliest blooming rose, adorn the suffering of your persecuted followers with the beauty of your strong saving love. Be their refuge and Lord. Gladden their hearts, and shine so brightly in their lives that even their tormentors turn to you in repentance, awe, and newborn faith.
Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
O mighty king and gentle friend, be all that and more to this congregation. Let us know, proclaim, and share you as heaven’s gift and treasure. Caress us with your blessing. Heal our hearts. And let all our words and deeds help our families, friends, and neighbors to love and praise you with joyful, confident faith.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Jesus, our Emmanuel, you lay you glory aside “to raise each child of earth.” Bring your light and life to those who do not know you or believe that you are God, though veiled in human flesh. Give them eyes to see your divine love, and hearts to enthrone you as Lord, God, and King.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Heaven-born Prince of Peace, reconcile all peoples and nations, all races, kindreds, and tribes, under your glorious and gentle rule. Lift up all whose forms bend low beneath life’s crushing load. Free them from all that grieves and afflicts them. Make us all – from greatest to least – children of your light, and partakers of your peace.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Savior, child of Mary, you felt our human woe. Bring healing, peace, and hope to all who suffer and to all who mourn, even on this holy and joyful night. Especially we pray for: {LIST}. O Sun of Righteousness, rise upon them with healing in your wings!
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Savior, King of Glory, you have triumphed over our ancient foes: sin, evil, and death. Thank you for your love, which guarded, guided, and kept our loved ones in your gracious care until their life’s end. And now, Lord Jesus, dearest friend: Bring us at length to heaven and into your endless day, where with all whom you have redeemed, we shall praise, adore, and delight in you in fellowship with your Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever and unto the ages of ages.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.