Weekly Devotional for November 8, 2017

“He who sits on the throne will shelter them with His presence.” (Rev. 7:15)

The old sinner in us doesn’t always like the term “shelter.”  Are we so weak that we need someone to shelter us?  Didn’t we cut the apron strings?  Shouldn’t Christians, in particular, be more questing, advocates in the public square for what is good and right and true?  Away with this mild Lord of shelter! (says the old, proud sinner . . . .)

And then 26 believers end up dead in a pool of blood as babies scream, mothers weep, and a nation goes on fighting.  Sudden illness cuts down beloved friends and family.  Opportunists prey on the young and deceive the poor, and an entertainment industry peddles vile myths to corrupt the soul.  Even churches quake with heresy, pressing the faithful into doubt, frustration, and a love of division.  

Come, O Shelter of the faithful!  What strength it takes to shelter others: resolve, compassion, and the willingness to go and seek the lost.  It takes a Man who would even bear a cross to overcome the power of death.  This Man is God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who knows you by name; whose love for you is stronger than death; and who will bring you, with great joy, to the throne that He shares eternally with His Father.  Have no fear, little flock!

LET US PRAY:  Protect, defend, and deliver us from evil, good Shepherd of the sheep.  By Your two-edged sword, that living word, silence the ancient enemy, curb all evil designs, bring us to repentance, and preserve Your Church in perfect peace until the day of Your appearing; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.  Amen


Pastor Steven K. Gjerde

Zion, Wausau

Devotion for Wednesday, November 8, 2017

“Let death come deceitfully upon them; let them go down alive to Sheol, for evil is in their dwelling, in their midst.  As for me, I shall call upon God, and the Lord will save me.”  (Psalm 55:15-16)

The contrast has always been before you.  There is the way of the Lord and there is the way of wickedness.  Do not walk in the ways of this world, but hear and heed the call of the Lord to be transformed by the renewing of Your mind.  Walk humbly before Your God and know the ways He established in the beginning.  Call upon the Lord and He will save You from all the evil of this world.

Lord, I know it is appointed to walk in this world for a time, but the wickedness is often so overwhelming.  Lead me to You to look to You through all that swirls around me that I may not be tempted to walk in any other way than the one You have established in salvation.  Lead me O Lord and help me to trust You for all things, dealing with the wicked and saving those who turn to You.

Lord Jesus, in times of trouble I call out to You.  Help me come to You in all times and places, both good and bad and all the times in between.  Lead me heart to learn from You how to deal with the craziness of this world and hold forever fast to the truth You have revealed.  Lead me O Lord and will follow You all the days of my life.  Grant me grace and strength of Your Spirit to fulfill this vow.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, November 7, 2017

“But it is you, a man my equal, my companion and my familiar friend; we who had sweet fellowship together walked in the house of God in the throng.”  (Psalm 55:13-14)


You never truly know what is in the heart of the other.  Though they may seem your friend, if they follow the way of the world, they tug and pull to lead you astray.  Do not be fearful, but diligent to walk in the ways of the Lord and see how easily we all can be led astray.  The Lord deals with each as He has made them and calls for us to look to Him in all things.


Lord, all around me are a mix of people who are thinking all kinds of things.  Guide my mind and heart to see You through the cacophony of things that are all around me.  Lead me along the quiet waters of Your Word to be comforted by the truth You have spoken from the beginning.    Let the fellowship I enjoy be that of Your people singing praises to You, the One true God.


Lord Jesus, You have come to clear the way for as many as would follow You through the constant noise of this world.  Guide me according to the wisdom of the Spirit that I would hear Your voice above all the noise around me.  Hold me fast in Your arms of grace to walk boldly and firmly in the way of truth that You have established in Your teaching and guide me to walk the narrow path.  Amen.  

Devotion for Monday, November 6, 2017

“Destruction is in her midst; oppression and deceit do not depart from her streets.  For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, then I could bear it; nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, then I could hide myself from him.”  (Psalm 55:11-12)


All around are those who plot and seek to gain what is not theirs for their own sake.  It is hard to live in a world with so many that are deceitful.  Yet, here we are.  How can one hide from the wickedness that is on every side?  Hide in the Lord who knows all things and will not anything come upon You that will separate you from Him.  Come to the Lord and find the only rest in a world gone mad.


Lord, these are words I can hear, but they are so hard to act upon.  Guide the thoughts of my mind and the actions I make to come into conformity with what You are saying.  Lead me by Your Spirit to walk in the ways You have established in spite of all that is going on around me.  Lead me O Lord that I would follow You all the days of my life and walk in Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, for this very reason You have come that as many as turn to You would discover the peace which surpasses all understanding.  Lead me Lord Jesus in the way I should go and then through Your Spirit, give the means to walk in this way.  By Your grace alone am I not like the others who hate You.  In thankfulness, guide my heart ever upward to walk with You alone.  Amen.

Weekly Devotional for All Saints Sunday


Devotional for All Saints Sunday based upon Hebrews 12: 1-2

I am inspired by stories of people who did not give up. I really admire people who stay with a commitment all the way through. Unfortunately, there are many people today who start living the Christian life, but they quit when the going gets tough.

The author of the letter to the Hebrews compares the Christian life not to a wind sprint, but to a marathon. I once ran a half-marathon, but I have never run a marathon. In a wind sprint you run as fast as you can for a short distance. Speed is the critical factor. In a marathon, endurance is the critical factor. In your Christian life, do you have endurance? Will you make it all the way to the end? The author of the letter to the Hebrews gives us three encouraging words to help us make it to the end – to help us run and finish the race of life.


The author tells us that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses – people who have gone before us. Hebrews 12 starts out with the word “therefore.” Which means that the 12th chapter is connected to the 11th chapter, which has often been called the great Faith Chapter. In the 11th chapter the writer gives us a long list of people who have already run and finished the race of life.

We need to be inspired by those who have gone before us. But we also need to remember that we can be and we need to be an inspiration to those who are coming after us. No matter who you are, someone is watching you. If you stumble and fall – or worse yet, if you quit – someone will become discouraged. Be inspired by those who have gone before you. And be an inspiration to those who are coming after you.


The writer of this letter says, “Lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely.” Prepare for life by laying aside anything that is weighing you down.

What is weighing you down? At the recent Latino ministries Encuentro (Encounter) gathering one of the presenters told about his recent pilgrimage along the five-hundred-mile route in northern Spain called the Camino de Santiago. He mentioned a book that had been written about this pilgrimage. Its title was, “To walk far, carry less.”

Do you have a friendship that is a drag on you and is weighing you down? Are some material things – some big, expensive toys – weighing you down? Do you have a huge debt from all the things that you have bought that is weighing you down? Do you have some bad habits? Are you involved in some activities? Have you made some commitments that are not wrong in and of themselves, but they are weighing you down? They are so time consuming, so distracting, so expensive, that they hinder you from being able to focus on Jesus. The author of the letter to the Hebrews says, Get rid of them. Lay them down so that they do not weigh you down.

And what about the sin that clings so closely? Or, as another translation puts it, the sin that so easily entangles. Just one little white lie, one wayward glance, one harsh, critical, judgmental, or inappropriate word, and it becomes so much easier to do it the second time. The tentacles come out, and we are entangled. The author of the letter to the Hebrews says, Lay aside everything that could hinder you, all those things that could entangle you, and run with perseverance the race that is set before you.


The author describes Jesus as the pioneer and perfecter – the author and finisher of our faith. For the sake of the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, He disregarded the shame, and now He has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God.

Jesus was mocked and made fun of. He was despised and rejected. He faced great opposition. He even died the most cruel and shameful and painful of deaths – death by crucifixion. And yet He stayed the course. He paid the price. He ran and finished the race. So the writer says, When you grow weary and when you are tired, fix your eyes on Jesus.

Every Christian – every Christian congregation – needs to hear these words often. “Fix your eyes on Jesus.” Because it is so easy to quit. It is so easy to say, “I do not want to – I do not have to – I do not have the strength and energy to do this anymore.” So the author says, Fix your eyes on Jesus. He is at the finish line. He is cheering you on. Keep looking to Him.

Who are the people in the heavenly grandstands who – along with the great heroes of the Bible – are cheering for you? Maybe it’s a parent, or a grandparent, or another person of great Christian faith, who was a source of great inspiration for you. They died in faith in Jesus. And now they are in heaven cheering for you. Who is that person – who are those persons – whom you most remember on All Saints Sunday? In life – and now in eternal life – they are cheering for you.

When you reach your heavenly home and are welcomed by the crowd of people who have been cheering for you, there is One who will step out of the crowd and will give you the biggest hug that you have ever gotten. He will say, “Welcome home. Well done, you good and faithful servant.” But until then, be inspired by those who have gone before you. Be prepared for the struggles that will come. And fix your eyes on Jesus.

Dennis D. Nelson

President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE

Devotion for Sunday, November 5, 2017

“Confuse, O Lord, divide their tongues, for I have seen violence and strife in the city.  Day and night they go around her upon her walls, and iniquity and mischief are in her midst.”  (Psalm 55:9-10)


The Lord knows all that needs to happen in this age.  He has set history upon its course and knows the outcome of where it will lead.  In Him is the hope of the ages.  In Him is the truth of eternity.  Yes, the Lord will confound the wise and confuse the wicked.  But let not this truth set Your course.  Turn to the Lord and walk in His ways, for He is kind and gentle, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.


Lord, I want what I want and I want the kind of justice and control I imagine.  But You are working out an eternal plan that will end in glory.  Teach me to trust You through all circumstances that I would forever hold fast to the truth of Your Word and walk in Your ways.  Lead me to ignore the things I can do nothing about and live for the goodness of Your will.


Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  Let me not so much seek justice as to walk in the truth that Your justice has already triumphed.  Let me not seek vengeance, but learn to love as You love.  Mischief is all around, but greater are the things You have done and are doing than all the wickedness that surrounds us.  Set me heart upon You and the goodness You give by grace.  Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, November 4, 2017

“Behold, I would wander far away, I would lodge in the wilderness.  “I would hasten to my place of refuge from the stormy wind and tempest.”  (Psalm 55:7-8)


Lord, the times and seasons are in Your hands.  You have set all things in their course.  You allow what You allow and You hinder things of which we do not know.  You have given the promise that all things will work for glory for those who love You.  Lead Your people through every tempest that we all would learn to trust in Your goodness above all things and walk in Your ways.


If it were up to me, I would flee to the hills, hide and never return.  It would do nothing and accomplish stagnation.  Keep me close to You Lord that whatever may come and no matter the circumstances, I may forever hold fast to the truth of Your Word.  Lead me O Lord that I may walk in Your ways all the days of my life knowing that You alone are Sovereign in all the earth.


Lord Jesus, You have come that we may have life and have it abundantly.  It is not a life free from the troubles of this world, but a life led by You through all the troubles of this world.  Help me now and always to hold fast to the truth You have revealed and to face every storm You lead me to face.  Guide me now and always to walk in Your ways and by Your example.  Amen.

Devotion for Friday, November 3, 2017

“My heart is in anguish within me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me.  Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror has overwhelmed me.  I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest.”  (Psalm 55:4-6)


The troubles of this world are often overwhelming.  We wonder where the Lord is and why these things are happening.  It has happened before and it will happen again.  Woe to those who bring wickedness, but also, be encouraged and turn to the Lord while He may be found.  Trust in the One who holds all things in His hands and has promised there is a purpose to all things that will bring Him glory.


In times of difficulty O Lord, turn me to You that I would know the comfort Your Spirit provides to those who love You.  Trouble does come and there are difficulties int his world, but greater are You who is in me that the wicked one who stirs trouble in this world.  Guide me into Your goodness that I would forever hold fast to the truth of Your Word and the comfort You give.


Lord Jesus, You knew trouble, for it was constant throughout Your ministry.  Help me see in You the only hope there is not only for this world, but forever.  Lead me through the troubled waters of this world to seek the Father’s will in all things.  Lead me to know the hope of everyday life that comes by walking in faith under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 2, 2017

“Give ear to my prayer, O God; and do not hide Yourself from my supplication.  Give heed to me and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted, because of the voice of the enemy, because of the pressure of the wicked; for they bring down trouble upon me and in anger they bear a grudge against me.”  (Psalm 55:1-3)


I am distracted O Lord, but You alone know the real reason, for I do not even know it myself.  In this troubled world filled with sin, You have called to me to submit to You in the grace You give that You would lead me forth into Your eternal presence.  Bring me away from the trouble of my heart that I would look solely to You for all things.


Lord, through Your Word, You call time and again for us to lay down the arms of rebellion to seek Your mercy and grace.  The pressure of the wicked is all around me, but You offer grace as the answer.  Let me not be caught up in the grudges of this age, but seek Your will and Word in all things knowing that You are Master and Lord of all.  Lead me O that I may follow.


Lord Jesus, there You are offering Your hand of grace to all who will see.  Let me take Your hand that You would guide me wherever You see that I need to go.  You are the master of my faith, so help me step back so that You may take the lead.  Lead me away from the recompense my heart desires in every time of trouble to be satisfied with the mercy and grace You give from the cross.  Amen.