Devotion for Monday, July 1, 2019
“The plowers plowed upon my back; they lengthened their furrows.” The Lord is righteous; He has cut in two the
cords of the wicked.” (Psalm 129:3-4)
The wicked of this world seek
their gain at the expense of others. You
have been called to walk in the ways of the Lord. Do what is right and live in harmony with
your neighbor. Do not interfere in his
or her life, nor instigate trouble. The
Lord is righteous and calls those who walk with Him to learn
righteousness. Be guided by His presence
and know that He gives hope and a Future.
Lord, lead me through all of the difficulties of this age; for things
are often not as they first appear.
Guide me, O Lord, to see in Your word the wisdom You give that I may now
and always walk according to Your goodness.
Keep me from stumbling over the schemes of the wicked and let me not
emulate their ways. Show me the way to
go that I would walk aright in Your sight and live according to Your will.
Lord Jesus, You know how difficult this age can be. You walked through the traps of those who eventually cornered You and had You crucified. But this was according to the Father’s will. Lead me in Your ways that I may learn from You how to live in this age while preparing to be in Your presence forever. May I be found in You my Lord, walking humbly in the Father’s presence. Amen.
Photo by Zbysiu Rodak on Unsplash