Devotion for Monday, September 23, 2019

“Revive me, O Lord, for Your name’s sake!  For Your righteousness’ sake bring my soul
out of trouble.  In Your mercy cut off my
enemies, and destroy all those who afflict my soul; for I am Your
servant.”  (Psalm 143:11-12)

There are seasons of life.  The one thing you will hear from those who
have lived most of their lives is that it goes by quickly.  The Lord has revived you and He will
again.  For all those who believe, He
will revive them on the last day to be with Him where He is.  Come then and walk in the comfort of the Lord
knowing that it is He who makes promises that will be fulfilled, and will be

Lord, bring me through those troubled times.  Guide me according to Your purposes to be one
who leans on You in good times and bad. 
Let me always see You amidst the times that are, for me, cloudy and know
that in Your presence is hope and an everlasting future.  Keep my enemies from having any effect on my
relationship with You that I may now and always walk with You.

Lord Jesus, we all need
salvation.  You have come to prepare and
lead the way.  Guide me, O Lord, in the
way You have prepared that I would walk with You all the days of my life.  Lead me in Your goodness to know that in You
alone is hope and glory.  Guide me, O
Lord, in Your lovingkindness to reflect Your countenance in all I do, loving
friend and enemy alike.  Amen.