“Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:3-4)
The generations come and go, but the Lord is forever. He sees the passing generations and knows all who walk before Him. He who knows you has called you to come to Him. He is your God and He wants you to be with Him now and forever. Come into the presence of the One who made all things and walk humbly before your Maker. He is God and there is no other.
Lord, amidst all of the thoughts that go through my mind, guide me to see that only in You is there meaning. You created all things and You know all things. Apart from Your revelation, there is only speculation. The speculations of man have come to nothing. Guide me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may walk humbly with You and learn from You the purpose for which I have been made.
Lord Jesus, Guide me now and always in the way of salvation which You have established. Help me to see that in You alone is hope and an eternal future. Lead me this day to do those things which are pleasing in the Father’s sight. Help me to be active in all that You are teaching me and guided by Your Spirit. May I be Your follower this day, serving the Father in thought, word, and deed. Amen.