Devotion for Sunday, January 12, 2020
“For he who was called in the Lord while a slave, is the Lord’s
freedman; likewise he who was called while free, is Christ’s slave. You were bought with a price; do not become
slaves of men” (1 Corinthians 7:22-23).
We live in a world with skewed
understanding of reality. While
screaming for freedom in the crowd, they lament the limitations upon their
desires. True freedom is found only in
Christ and it is a freedom that transcends circumstance. It does not seek its own, but understands
that all things belong to the One who made them. Live in the freedom of Christ and know His
goodness that can never be taken away.
Lord, I spend so much time trying to figure things out that I am mixed
up inside. Bring me to the place where I
live by faith and not by my ability to figure these things out. Lead me in Your goodness that I may now and
always abide humbly in Your grace. Let
me not seek the world, but You and know that in You alone is all the freedom,
goodness, and mercy I could ever hope for.
Come, Holy Spirit, and minister
to my heart. Guide me according to Your
goodness that I would now and always see things through Your eyes. Help me know the freedom I have in You and
the slavery which is mine in Christ. In
both of these things, help me to always be content in and through whatever this
world brings. Lead me Lord in the way of
everlasting life with peace and freedom in my soul. Amen.