Devotion for Friday, June 12, 2020
“The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Prisca greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. All the brethren greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss” (1Corinthians 16:19-20).
We are not just a local fellowship, but are joined in the communion of the saints. Those from all times and places who are in the grace of Christ are His bride. It is He who is knitting together His church from every tribe, tongue and nation. Live in the truth that You are a part of what He has brought together through the grace He makes possible. Live into the life of faith to which You have been called.
Lord, help me overcome the pride that is in my heart that I may be whom You are making me to be. Give me eyes to see that You have those who are in You all over the world. I may not understand fully, but they are those whom You have saved. Let me rejoice in the communion of saints to which You have united me that I may abide humbly in You and You in me always.
Lord Jesus, the church is Yours and You are its head. Let me never forget this. You are bringing together all whom You know that are a part of the bride. Help me to learn to receive with joy the truth of the greater whole which You are building. Help me to be hospitable with all who come in Your name knowing that You have purpose with every encounter each of us experiences. Amen.