Devotion for Sunday, September 13, 2020
“But he who boasts is to boast in the Lord. For it is not he who commends himself that is approved, but he whom the Lord commends” (2 Corinthians 10:17-18).
The world loves to brag about all that it has or will accomplish. The world tells the same story over and over again. The Lord tells You that everything is His, for He made it. What kind of people then ought we to be? We have been set free from the death of sin in order to live in love and harmony with the One through whom and for whom all things were made. Live or die, that is the question.
Lord, I live this life from the inside out. You have come to free me from this trap that I may live in the truth that all is Yours. Guide me away from self-thinking that I may walk freely in the truth You have revealed for all. You are the way, truth, and life and where can we go but to You who is the One through whom and for whom all things exist. Lead me upward in You that I may live as You have created life to be.
Lord Jesus, there are many things I do not understand, nor do I need to. Lead me in the way of truth, Lord, that I would walk humbly with You every day, beginning with today. You have created me and called me to live into the life You are remaking through salvation. Guide me that I may learn more in preparation for the new life You have promised. Amen.