July 18: 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11

July 18: 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 11


Jeremiah 23:1-5 (God will replace Israel’s false shepherds; righteous branch of David)

Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd)

Ephesians 2:11-22 (Joined together in Christ, he is our peace through blood of his cross)

Mark 6:30-44 (Feeding the 5000)

        RCL/ELW: Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56 (Jesus teaches [before feeding 5000] and heals [after; will get feeding miracle from John])


 Let us pray to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Dear Father, thank you for our Good Shepherd! Thank you for his compassion and mercy. Thank you for the peace he gives through the blood of his Cross. Thank you. We adore and bless you for your overflowing loving-kindness to sinners like us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Establish the Church as your living temple, built on the foundation of prophets and apostles, with Christ as its cornerstone. Make its words precious and its actions holy. Use it to feed the world with the living bread of your holy Word.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Be the faithful Shepherd to your persecuted Church. Protect them from those who hate the name of Jesus and seek to scatter and destroy his flock.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Thank you for making this congregation part of the Body of Christ. Keep us in union with him, our Cornerstone and Savior. Build and shape our worship, teaching, outreach, and fellowship on the witness of prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, and faithful theologians.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Give wisdom and guidance to everyone learning to be a spiritual director, discipleship partner, or mentor for those seeking to walk more closely with Christ. Make them humble, faithful, and radiant with the beauty of the Lord.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 You condemned kings who were abusive shepherds of your people. Warn and guide our earthly leaders. Teach them to use their authority to protect and bless their citizens, especially the most vulnerable. Teach each of us to share what we have with the poor and hungry. Teach us to believe that you bless and multiply our gifts to your glory and for the benefit of all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Be with those whose work is difficult and dangerous, especially military and first responders. Make them brave, wise, and just. Use them to bring safety and hope to dangerous places. Raise and heal them when they fall. Give steadfast hearts to their loved ones until they are reunited.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the poor and needy, the sick and injured, the lonely and grieving, the imprisoned and abused, the homeless and dispossessed. Ease their suffering or sorrow. Most especially this day we pray for: {List}. Be their Good Shepherd. Feed them with the bread of healing, forgiveness, and hope. Bless everyone who cares for them, and give them strength and joy.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

 Most merciful Father, keep safe our beloved dead until you reunite us in your own House. Grant us faith in your dear Son to walk confidently through death’s dark vale, encouraging one another in his name. Bring us into your Kingdom, where you feed all whom you have redeemed with the banquet fare and rich wine of the Lamb’s high feast.

 Hear and graciously answer our prayers, dear Lord, as it is best for us and most glorifies your holy name. Amen.


Devotion for Friday, June 18, 2021

“So that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10)

You have been given grace and mercy.  The Lord has died for your sins so that you might be redeemed.  The Lord has demonstrated His love for you.  What then shall you do?  Does one jilt the one they love?  May it never be!  You have been invited into a loving relationship with the Lord.  Live now in that relationship and do what is pleasing for the One who loves you and whom you say you love.

Lord, teach me how to live this loving relationship that You have established in grace.  Guide me according to Your goodness that I may learn more and more each day and walk in such a way that it is pleasing to You.  Nourish in me that fruit which You shall grow and increase in me those things which You know I need to know.  Let me never forget Your grace upon which I depend.

Lord Jesus, You are the model of godliness.  Lead me this day, Lord, in the way of life You are teaching me so that I may walk in a way that is pleasing to the Father.  Guide me in Your goodness and mercy to know that I am unworthy, but to walk as though I were, not by my might or power, but by Yours.  Lead me, O Lord, and help me to accept Your teaching so that I would humbly follow wherever You lead.  Amen.