Devotion for Wednesday, November 24, 2021

[R]ealizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers” (1 Timothy 1:9)
When one is in love, they do not need to think about doing what is right to show love. They just do it. The law is similar. When one loves the Lord, they just do what is pleasing to the Lord. It is for those who do not obey and want what they want apart from what is right that the law is written. This is an important thing to remember, because the one who focuses on the law is focusing upon themselves.
Lord, I know in my mind what is right, but my heart is often far away. Lead me, O Lord, away from myself and into You. Guide me to have the right focus on things. Help me see what I need to see and not be focused on anything other than You. Let the law of love govern all that I do so that I may be focused upon You, my Lord, God and Redeemer. In You alone is there hope.
Lord Jesus, all of these things You have said. I hear them over and over again, and yet I have the same problem. Teach me to love You and my neighbor and then the law will apply itself. Let me not be governed by my desires, but by what You have done. Lead me into holiness so that I may live all the days You give me under and in the law of love. Guide me to not be unholy or profane. Amen.