PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 4, February 6, 2022

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 4, February 6, 2022


Isaiah 6: 1-13: (Isaiah’s vision of God and commissioning as a prophet of judgment)


Psalm 138: (All shall praise God; he is high, yet regards the lowly. Preserve and save me from my foes, and fulfil your purpose for me!)


1 Corinthians 14:12b-20: (Spiritual gifts; interpretation is greater than tongues)

            RCL/ELW: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11: (Proof and witnesses of the Resurrection)


Luke 5:1-11: (Jesus calls his first disciples; “Depart from me for I am a sinful man!”)


Let us draw near to the Light of Christ, offering prayer and supplication on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Thank you, dear Father, for seeking and sending us, even though, like Peter, we are sinners! Thank you for providing every spiritual gift, so we can follow Jesus and proclaim the Gospel to other sinners.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Do not let your dear Son depart from your Church, though it is sinful and broken. Bless, purify, forgive, and transform it. Teach it to fish for all those who do not know Jesus, and draw them to his Cross. Teach all who gather at that Cross to love Jesus with all their heart.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Bless every missionary and evangelist who boldly speaks your Word to those who have never heard or heeded it. Protect and strengthen all who are persecuted for sharing and living the Gospel. Soften the hearts of unbelievers, so they turn to you and live.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Your Son called Peter, James, and John to follow him. Now he calls this congregation to do likewise. Equip us with faithfulness, boldness, humility, and compassion. Keep us focused on your Word. Use our words and work to bring many to faith in Christ their Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give right judgment to the leaders of nations and captains of industry, to educators and scientists, military and emergency personnel, to medical and social workers, and to all who exercise authority and responsibility for their communities. Teach them to seek your will, and give them strength to do it. Help all of us to give generously of time and treasures when our neighbor’s need is great.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask your dearest blessing upon those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, especially: {LIST}. Free them from bondage to sorrow, sin, and suffering. Raise them to health and wholeness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We commend into your care our loved ones who have died and are at rest in you. Comfort all who grieve. Help us to be so patient and kind to one another that we all pass safely through the afflictions of this mortal life. Lead us, with all whom you have redeemed by the love revealed in your Son, into your Kingdom, where faith becomes sight, hope becomes joy, and your love is our all in all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


For all these things, dear Father, and for whatever else you desire for us in your wisdom and compassion, we pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior, Lord, and King. Amen

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 3, January 30, 2022

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Proper 3, January 30, 2022


Jeremiah 1:4-10, 17-19: (God calls Jeremiah to speak his Word)

            RCL/ELW: Jeremiah 1:4-10: (Omits “Gird up your loins, tell them everything I speak against them; I make you like a fortified city”)


Psalm 71:1-11: (O God, be my rock of refuge; deliver me from my enemies; rescue me from the cruel and wicked)

            RCL/ELW: Psalm 71:1-6: (Eliminates obeisance of the King’s enemies)


1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13: (In praise of charity; faith, hope and love abide, the greatest is love)


Luke 4:31-44: (Jesus casts out demon in temple; heals Peter’s mother-in-law; tells assorted demons to take a hike and shut up about him)


Let us draw near to the Light of Christ, offering prayer and supplication on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, sometimes your holy Word seem stern and offensive. But in Jesus, you assure us that every Word which proceeds from your mouth is good. In him, your never-failing love is fleshed out for us. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, so that we can thank you for every Word you speak to us. Help us to model, however imperfectly, your perfect love for your people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In your Church, you have appointed prophets, martyrs, pastors, bishops, teachers, and ordinary saints to speak your word and to lead all people to new life in Christ. We pray that your Church speaks your word boldly, acts fearlessly, and mirrors your love, revealed to the world in your beloved Son.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Hear the prayers of your suffering Church. Rescue your servants from the hand of the wicked and the grasp of the unjust and the cruel. Be their rock and their refuge. Fill their mouth with your praise, and drive out the demons of hatred and unbelief from their persecutors.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Let this congregation overflow with words of praise to you, and deeds of love toward others. Help us to be rich in patience and kindness; and to be lacking only in resentment, irritability, and self-promotion. Let everyone know we are Christians by Jesus’ love, which touches them through us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the leaders of the nations, especially our own. Let them heed your words and seek to do your will. Teach them to love justice and hate cruelty. Make them rejoice in truth and reject wrong. Help them wield authority, knowing that they are accountable to you, the Lord of all nations. Give us ears to hear the cries of those afflicted by poverty, injustice, or violence. Give us strength to help them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

With authority and power, Jesus drove out demons, healed the sick, and forgave and raised up people held in bondage to sin, evil, and death.  In his name, we pray for all who suffer from any kind of affliction, including: {List}. Be their rock, their strong deliverer, and their hope. Strengthen all who care for them; and grant them the joy of your salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


We commend into your care our loved ones who have died and are at rest in you. Comfort those whose grief runs deep. Help us to be gentle, patient, and kind to one another, so we can endure whatever afflicts us in this mortal life. Lead us, with all whom you have redeemed by your dear Son, into your Kingdom. There let our faith become sight, our hope become joy, and your love become our all in all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


For all these things, dear Father, and for whatever else you desire for us in your wisdom and compassion, we pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior, Lord, and King. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, January 6, 2022

“Honor widows who are widows indeed; but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to practice piety in regard to their own family and to make some return to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God” (1 Timothy 5:3-4).

Listen carefully to this.  Should we care for one another?  Yes we should, but not when there are those in the family who can and should be doing so.  Now look at our culture and what do you see?  It calls for others to do what this passage says the family should do.  Some do, to be sure, but by and large, we are not to rely on the great “we” but take responsibility for our own when it is needed.

Lord, You know where this does or does not apply to me.  Guide me Lord to be responsible where You would have me be responsible, but also to ignore those who would say I need to be responsible when I am not.  Neither guilt nor false obligation should drive my heart, but trust in You, and what You ask me alone to do should be the motivation for what I do.  Guide me in this way, Lord.

Lord Jesus, You did not heal everyone, nor do what so many expected.  You did what the Father told You to do.  In that example, teach me what I should do and then help me to do it.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of true life.  By Your example, help me to be bold, but humble, compassionate, but just, caring, and considerate of all needs.  You are growing Your image in all who believe.  Help me to grow to become like You.  Amen.