Devotion for Tuesday, April 12, 2022

“Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness” (Titus 2:2).

This list is not impossible, nor unfair.  It might read like a posting for a job.  We live in a world that does not respect temperance or prudence, yet these are the qualities that are needed to keep things running.  Be a person who is temperate and displays common sense.  Be of sound mind and live out the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Lord has called you to be in your right mind and live His way.

Lord, I know these things are inside of me.  Yes, I too have struggles, but I do not disagree with this list of behaviors, but in fact, seek others who have them when I want someone to do something responsibly.  Help me in this journey of life to be one who is like this.  Guide me into the faith You have given me and grow in me the godly character I shall have for all eternity.

Lord Jesus, You have modeled the godly behavior expected of us all as Your followers.  Where I am deficient, lead me to become what You are making of me.  Guide me, O Lord, in order that I may always know the hope I have because of Your grace and mercy.  Clear my mind and heart to walk this day in the confidence of the hope You give as I become a child of the Heavenly Father.  Amen.