Devotion for Thursday, April 28, 2022

“When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there” (Titus 3:12).

Your pastor is a part of a team; so, is not just YOUR pastor.  We are all a part of the same body of Christ and sometimes we forget that.  Do not be led by the ways of the world, but by the truth revealed once for all.  Be guided by the Holy Spirit and receive anyone who rightly preaches the word.  We also have obligations for those we may not even know if they are a part of the body.

Lord, I think too often only of myself.  Is that not the reason for grace? That I need to be brought from the place where I think only of myself and realize it is not about me?  Help me, Lord, to get in the right frame of mind and live into the life which is mine through You.  Help me to receive and support all whom You send my way and whom You bring to my attention.  Help me realize that I am a part of Your whole body.

Dear Jesus, through Your Holy Spirit, I need help.  There are so many places that have crumbled because of a lack of action.  I have watched these things and do nothing.  The next time I say, “Why doesn’t somebody do something,” let me be that somebody.  Help me to love You and the church enough to do what is right always.  Guide me into all goodness through Your grace and mercy.  Amen.