Devotion for Tuesday, May 24, 2022

“For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away” (James 1:11).
How much will Bill Gates leave behind? The world’s answer, “Billions.” God’s answer, “All of it.” We are stewards who have things for a while and then it passes to another. Why then do we act like owners of these things? We have been placed where we are for God’s purpose. The meaning of your life has more to do with others than just you. Give thanks to God for all His blessings and pass them on to others.
Lord, clear my eyes to not see men as trees, but to see clearly as You have made things to be. Guide me in the goodness of Your grace and mercy in order that I would understand that this world is temporary and the world to come is forever. In Your goodness, keep me wholly in Your grace and the provision You have given me. Lead me to know that in You is all hope and an eternal future.
Jesus, You are the author and finisher of my faith. That includes me being placed right where I am. Guide me, Lord, to see that in You is all hope and my future. Lead me according to Your goodness so that I would always look to You, my Lord and Savior, and see that have already put all things necessary into place. May I follow Your lead today and every day into the eternal life for which I was created. Amen.