Devotion for Saturday, August 13, 2022

“Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit” (James 5:18).
Elijah was never in control of the circumstances. You and I will never be in full control of our circumstances. When we learn to listen to the Lord, we learn to do what He commands us to do. If he tells us to tell a mountain to be moved, it will be moved. Come then into the fulness of faith and learn to walk in the Lord’s admonition and be guided by His goodness and mercy.
Lord, Your word is constantly pointing me to come in prayer to You and learn from You. Lead me, dear Lord, in this faith You have given me so that I may now and always be guided by Your goodness and mercy. Teach me to see that it is not about discovering how to do something, but about listening to You. It is not about magnificent powers, but about You who is the One through whom all things have their being.
Lord Jesus, You have said things plainly, but I do not listen. You have told me to come to You in prayer; in fact, to never cease praying. Lead me, O Lord, to know that in You alone is there all hope. Guide me according to Your purpose and by Your grace to have ears that are open and a willingness to do what You know I need to do. Help me to obey no matter what You ask me to say and do knowing that what You give me is always good. Amen.