Devotion for Monday, December 12, 2022

“[B]ut he received a rebuke for his own transgression, for a mute donkey, speaking with a voice of a man, restrained the madness of the prophet” (2 Peter 2:16).

There is a madness in this generation.  Many listen to their feelings and ignore the will of the Lord.  Do not be deceived.  The Lord is not mocked.  Be guided by the goodness and mercy of the One who created you.  You do not need to figure it all out.  He has revealed the truth to you.  He is truth.  He created all things and knows all that is needed.  Come into His presence and let the madness in you cease.

Lord, You know the repetitions of this age.  The same nonsense may be packaged anew and each generation has those who fall for the same garbage.  Help me see through the madness of sin and gain a contrite heart and willing spirit to come to You, my Maker, and be led to live my life as You have designed it to be lived.  Guide me in the upward way of salvation so that I may grow into the likeness of Christ.

Lord, You will use anyone who is willing to share the truth of the Gospel, even a talking donkey.  Lord, it is not a matter of being used, but of being useful.  Help my willingness so that I may be useful in living a life of love and service as You direct.  Keep me from the madness of this age.  Guide me in the eternal way of life.  Lead me according to Your purposes so that I may humbly walk in Your presence.  Thank You for leading the way, Lord Jesus.