Devotion for Saturday, February 25, 2023
“I know your deeds, and your love, faith, service and perseverance, and that your deeds of late are greater than at first” (Revelation 2:19).
It is not a bad thing to work hard, but we cannot work our salvation. When one begins a journey of doing it on their own, they increasingly focus upon the self. Is it not pride which brought down the devil? Are we not under the cloud of pride which has wreaked havoc upon this world? Do not be proud of your good works but do continue to work out your salvation by resisting the devil, being contrite, repenting and looking to the Lord.
Lord, there are traps every direction I turn. Help me, I pray, to see reality and truth. I am saved by Your grace. I need to be saved. Guide me, Lord, along the narrow path of salvation so that I may continue to do what You give me to do. Lead me through all obstacles so that I may grow in the likeness of Christ and daily be strengthened by the grace I need to persevere in this world of sin.
Thank You, Jesus, for standing before me and confronting my sin. Help me to be quick to repent and willing to amend those actions of mine which are not in accord with the Father’s will. Lead me through all difficulty so that I may overcome this age of rebellion. Help me to heed Your warnings and yes, work hard, but better still, listen carefully to all that You say and then, obey. Amen.