September 3: 14th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 17; Labor Day weekend)

September 3: 14th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 17; Labor Day weekend)


Jeremiah 15:15-21(Jeremiah laments; God promises strength, deliverance

if he speaks what is precious)


Psalm 26 (I have lived with integrity; do not sweep me away with sinners)


Romans 12:9-21 (Live in harmony, respect, and mutual forbearance; vengeance is God’s)


Matthew 16:21-28 (Get behind me, Satan! Take up cross and follow me;

what does it profit to gain world, lose soul?

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, thank you for Peter! Last week we thanked you for his witness. Today we thank you – not that he stumbled, but that Jesus rebuked, loved, and forgave him. Lord, we know you will rebuke us when we are a stumbling block and unwitting agent of Satan. Give us grace to repent and humbly take up our cross again, following Jesus alone.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Grant that your Church never be a hindrance to your Son nor a stumbling-block to those whom he came to save. Center its life and proclamation in the Cross of Jesus. Make it follow wherever Jesus leads, even unto death. Use the Church to draw many hearts to repentant faith in Christ. Through it, overcome the world’s evil with your great good.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ whose cross-bearing is the reality of their lives. Let them not be overcome by evil. Keep them steadfast in their faith. Help us to speak in their defense, pray on their behalf, and provide for their needs.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Help this congregation to live out the words of Saint Paul: Let our love be genuine. Make us abhor evil but hold fast to the good. Teach us to love and honor each other. Let us serve you fervently. Make us joyous in hope, patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer. Give us grace to be generous and hospitable, and to bless even our persecutors. Help us to rejoice with the joyful and to weep with the mourners. Teach us to live in harmony, and to not be wise in our own sight. Give us grace to repay no one evil for evil. Let us do what is honorable; and, so far as it depends on us, to live peaceably with all. And grant that we are not overcome by evil, but that in Christ, we overcome evil with good.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Keep in your care victims of violence and injustice, especially when evil has been done to them in the name of religion. Stir us up to give them aid and comfort, for you are glorified by deeds of mercy, hospitality, and peace, not acts of violence or hatred. Deliver them from the hands of the wicked.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Give integrity, wisdom, and humility to those who have power and authority over communities, corporations, and nations. Help them to do what is honorable, just, and generous.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Give everyone the will and the opportunity to work, and give our society the generosity to assist those who cannot. Especially we ask you to strengthen and help entrepreneurs, small business owners, and all employees. Help us to value their contribution to our common welfare. Guide us in finding ways to help them prosper, for the good of all.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Deal mercifully with all whose lives are shadowed by suffering, sorrow, or any kind of adversity. This day we pray for: {List}. Have pity on them and redeem them. Turn their sorrow into gladness and their pain into shouts of thanksgiving. Give them wise and compassionate caregivers, and reunite them with all who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Father, receive our beloved dead into your house with many rooms. Help us to love each other with true affection; to live peaceably and honorably; and above all, to cling to Jesus and his Cross. Lead us into your promised Kingdom, which you have prepared for all whom you deliver from sin and death. And there let us bless you and live together in your peace forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

August 27: 13th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 16)

August 27: 13th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 16)


Isaiah 51:1-6 (Listen for God’s teaching, wait for his deliverance)


Psalm 138 (God is faithful; he listens to the lowly)


Romans 11:33-12:8 (The depth and riches of God’s wisdom! Present your bodies

as living sacrifice to him)

            (ELW, Romans 12:1-8, Present your body as a living sacrifice to God;

do not be conformed to this world, but transformed by renewal of your mind)


Matthew 16:13-20 (Peter’s confession; on this rock I will build my Church)

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, thank you for Peter! He was so very human, and yet you gave him faith to confess Jesus as your Son and Messiah. As you used him, please use us, too, to do your work of forgiving, confessing, and proclaiming Jesus as Lord to the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Establish the Church upon the solid rock of Christ, and on the faithful witness of your apostles. Make the Church truly the one body of Christ upon this earth. Do not let the gates of hell prevail against its faithful proclamation and teaching. By your Holy Spirit, make it wise, gracious, and steadfast in rightly forgiving and retaining sin. Use it to bring many to faith in Jesus their Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Keep safe your servants who are persecuted for naming Jesus as Christ and God. Visit them with your righteousness and draw near with your salvation. Let our words and deeds never tarnish their witness. We also pray for missionaries, seminarians, and theologians entrusted with proclaiming your word.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Conform this congregation to your good, acceptable, and perfect will. Help us to not think too highly of ourselves, but with sober judgment to use our talents according to the grace you have given each of us. Build up the body of your beloved Son among us through sound preaching and teaching, generous giving, cheerful service, and loving kindness.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless all those who have instructed and shaped our faith – parents, grandparents, pastors, Sunday School teachers, and everyone whose love for Jesus shines brightly in word and deed. Thank you for the saints whose confession of Jesus as Lord has been a blessing to others, and has formed the unseen foundation of our own faith. Use us to encourage, instruct and guide others in lives of discipleship and service, to your glory and for the building up of your people.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Teach the world’s rulers listen to you, the giver of justice and the author of salvation. Conform their decisions and deeds to your righteous will, so that they care for the lowly and give hope to all who cry out to you. Heal the divisions that fracture families, communities, and nations; and help us to live at peace with our neighbors.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless all who risk their lives to protect, defend, and rescue others. Give them valor, loyalty, wisdom, and competence. Help them to act according to your will and for the benefit of your people. Heal their wounds; reunite them swiftly with loved ones; and crown their labors with the blessing of your peace.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Graciously answer the prayers of all who call upon you for help, including: {List}. Keep them safe in the midst of suffering and sorrow. Increase their strength and faith. Let them see the light of your salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Gracious Father, your love endures forever. In your mercy, draw near and make good your purpose for us. Keep us steadfast in faith, bold in witness, generous in sharing, cheerful in helping, gentle in exhorting, frequent in forgiving, and constant in thankfulness to you, our rock, and our salvation. Lead us into presence of Christ our Lord. Give to us, and to all whom he has redeemed, eternal joy and gladness; thanksgiving and the voice of song.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

August 20: 12th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15)

August 20: 12th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15)


Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 (My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples)


Psalm 67 (God judges the nations with equity and guides all the people of earth)


Romans 11:1-2a, 13-15, 28-32 (God’s election of Jews irrevocable; he will show mercy!)


Matthew 15:21-28 (Healing of Syro-Phoenecian woman’s daughter)

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence is kept.


Dear Father, we are so slow to see others as your beloved children! Soften our hearts to lead people different from ourselves into Jesus’ presence. Help us to discover that at the foot of his Cross, we truly are sisters and brothers.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Fashion your Church into your house of prayer upon the earth. By your Holy Spirit, show it how to rightly welcome all people into its midst.  Through your Word and holy Sacraments, draw many close to your beloved Son. Let them receive his promised mercy, forgiveness, healing, and salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


There are many who refuse your mercy, reject your Son, and persecute your servants. Forgive them and soften their hearts. Strengthen Christians who suffer because of Jesus, to witness to him with humility, boldness, and steadfast endurance.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Make this congregation a house of prayer. Fashion us into people of prayer. Transform our ministries into expressions of prayer, offered to you on behalf of our neighbors and our world. Help us to welcome fellow sinners. Give us grace to walk with them on the lifelong journey of repentance and obedient faith.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we pray for our elder brothers and sisters in the faith, your people Israel. Grant to the Jews lively faith in you, fervent love for others, and joyful obedience to your holy Word. Let us, together with them, receive your promised mercy, which was entrusted to Abraham, and was ratified in the death and resurrection of his offspring and yours, Jesus of Nazareth.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Forgive and heal the hatred and violence that destroy peace, justice, and goodwill. Teach our rulers diligently seek the good of everyone entrusted to their care. Increase understanding, cooperation, and kindness between those of different backgrounds or beliefs. Teach us all to look beyond those things which divide, and to cling to your merciful will to heal and save all who will receive you.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

As the school year starts, we pray for students, parents, teachers, and aides. Let them teach, learn, and share all useful knowledge, and cherish truth, wisdom, and righteousness. Bless seminaries and Christian colleges and schools with faithfulness to Jesus, love of neighbor, and the practice of virtue.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Jesus showed that your mercy and salvation are for all who call upon your name. Thus we are bold to pray for all who suffer – including: {List}. Be gracious to them, and bless them. Show them the light of your countenance. Draw them, and all who care for them, closer to your Son. Bestow upon them the joy of your saving help.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Thank you, dear Father, for giving your fullest healing to the faithful departed. We commend them into your care, especially those dearest to us. Keep us united with them and with each other, by uniting us all with Jesus, and filling us with your Spirit. Grant us the unmatched joy of life in your house – not as pet dogs under the table; nor as strangers or as guests; but as your children, at home with you forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

August 13: 11th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 14)

August 13: 11th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 14)


Job 38:4-18 (Where were you when I laid out the foundations of the earth?!)

            (ELW, 1 Kings 19:9-18, Elijah encounters God as still small voice)


Psalm 18:1-16 (“His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,

 and dark is his path on the wings of the storm!”)

            (ELW, Psalm 85:8-13, God will speak peace to his people;

righteousness and peace have kissed)


Romans 10:5-17 (Righteousness of faith comes through hearing the Gospel preached)


Matthew 14:22-33 (Jesus and Peter take a watery walk on the sea)


Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence is kept.


Holy Father, we bow in adoration before your majesty. We stand in awe of your wisdom, power, and goodness. And we thank you for your strong saving love, made real for us in your dear Son. Send us your Spirit, so we boldly obey his commands and humbly crave his mercy.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Send your Church into every corner of the world to preach the Gospel of salvation through Christ alone. By your Spirit, give it humility, faith, and courage to proclaim your holy Word with faithful clarity and winsome charity.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Give such endurance and faith to all who are persecuted for being Christians, that even their tormentors might repent, call upon your name, and be saved.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Protect this congregation from storms of contention, controversy, and confusion. Shelter us, and help us trust you. Help us to say in word and deed, “I love you, O Lord my strength, O Lord my stronghold, my crag, and my haven. My God, my rock in whom I put my trust, my shield, the horn of my salvation, and my refuge; you are worthy of praise!”

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Look kindly upon those who are overwhelmed by winds and waves of grief and suffering. We know they sometimes feel abandoned by others – and even by you. Help us to encourage, strengthen, and aid them. Help us to take their hand and walk with them across their stormy seas, towards the nail-scarred hands of Jesus, who alone can lift them up and save them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Shield us from natural disasters and from human malice and stupidity. Come down, O Lord, on the wings of wind. Scatter our enemies and deliver us from our anguish! Speak your word of peace upon the troubled earth and every human heart; and reign undisturbed as King and Lord of all.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Clothe with righteousness and wisdom all your servants who risk their lives in defense of life and liberty. Be their stronghold, shield, and refuge. Make them models of justice, integrity, and service.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Many people can say with the Psalmist, “The breakers of death rolled over me, and the torrents of oblivion made me afraid.” We lift them before you – including: {List}. Save them from everything that threatens to undo them. Lead them to a place of shelter, healing, and hope. Bless everyone who cares for them in any way.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Thank you, dear Father, for your servants who now rest from their earthly labors – especially those whose death touches us most closely. Give to us, who still sail life’s stormy seas, faith to call upon you in confidence and hope. Give us love to encourage and help our neighbor in distress. And give us hope, that clinging to your Son for dear life, we come safely into your embrace. Grant that we, with all whom you have redeemed, may sing with joy and worship you forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

August 6: 10th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 13)


August 6: 10th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 13)



Isaiah 55:1-5 (Buy wine and milk without money; don’t spend for bread that doesn’t satisfy)


Psalm 136:1-26 (God’s mercy endures forever!)

            (ELW, Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21, God is gracious and merciful, opens his hand,

feeds every living thing)


Romans 9:1-13 (Paul’s anguish for fellow Jews who do not have faith in Christ)

            (ELW, Romans 9:1-5)


Matthew 14:13-21 (Miracle of feeding 5000)

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.


A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, thank you for daily bread that nourishes soul and body. Thank you for the Bread of Life, Jesus your Son. Give us this bread always. Help us share with those who are famished.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Feed your Church with the Bread of Heaven. Refresh it with living water. Heal it with the wine of forgiveness. Nourish it with the milk of your kindness. Then, send the Church into the world, to invite those who do not yet know you to drink from the waters of salvation and feast on the bread of life.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for Christians around the world who are imprisoned and killed because they name Jesus as Lord. Bestow on them your steadfast love and, so that they may be bold, faithful, and gracious in their witness to their Savior. Help us to serve, defend and provide for them however we can.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Make the people of this congregation hungry for your truth and thirsty for your mercy. Let us feast upon Jesus in Word and Sacrament. And then, make us overflow with holy love, so we eagerly share him with those who need it most.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


There are so many hungry people! Bless every food pantry, community garden, meal program, and aid organization that feeds the hungry. Help us to endow poor communities with skills and resources, to feed themselves and be a blessing to many others.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Teach the leaders of the nations to incline their ears to you; to rightly lead their people; and to seek that good which endures. Give them the desire and the means to provide food, jobs, education, and safety for those entrusted to their care. And grant to all people those good things which sustain life and hope.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Jesus’ disciples learned his power by obeying his command to feed the people. We are his disciples, too. We’re sometimes overwhelmed by the size of the task, or daunted by our puny resources. Give us the obedient hearts of the first disciples. Help to follow Jesus by little steps. Remind us that Jesus will take, break, and bless our small gifts, and use them to feed a world starved for him.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Grant refreshment, strength, and healing to everyone who struggles with any sort of adversity. Especially we lift before you the needs of: {List}. Give compassion and competence to all who care for them. Hasten the day when they may joyfully say, “You remembered us in our low estate, for your mercy endures forever; and delivered us from our enemies, for your mercy endures forever.”


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Heavenly Father, keep in your care all who have died trusting in your promises. Turn our sorrow into joy, and our tears to laughter. Have compassion on us. Nourish, sustain, guide, and protect us. Teach us to care for each other. Gather us around your Son. Let him lead us, and all your people, to the banquet you have prepared. There may we eat and drink and gaze upon him, our heart’s desire, forever.


Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Devotion for Saturday, July 15, 2023

“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with child; and she cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth” (Revelation 12:1-2).

Knowing these things, what kind of people ought we to be?  We know that the Lord is creating a people to be His in eternity.  Are we to build earthy kingdoms?  Are we to focus on being a great church?  We are called by the Lord, and we belong to Him.  He will gather us as He wills.  The real question is, “How is your walk with Jesus?”  Of course, there is pain amidst the birthing process.

Lord, I know the pain and I am often confused.  What do I do with the injustice around me?  But then You say to me, “Come, follow me.”  Help the direction of my steps to be that which follows You.  Where I am wrong, correct my path.  Even if that means my turning around, help me to be faithful to the direction You set.  When I complain and cry out for justice and mercy, remind me to look at the cross.

Lord Jesus, You have paid the price for sin in the world.  You are reconciling those who see the light, hear Your voice, and live in the call You have given them.  Keep me firmly planted in the will of the Father and help me to learn what it means to take up my cross and follow You.  Keep me focused upon You and not all the pain that is happening because of the birthing process of Your eternal bride.  Amen.