Devotion for Friday, November 17, 2023
“And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse, and against His army” (Revelation 19:19).
Even knowing that all is lost, wickedness would rather fight to the end rather than confess the truth. We have seen this with nations who act wickedly. They would not stop until all was lost. This sinful rebellion is in us all. We would rather be destroyed than to admit that we were wrong. Many of the troubles in our world, even amongst those who call themselves Christians begins at this point.
Lord, I do have a stubborn streak that runs deep in me. I do resist simply repenting, confessing, and moving on in the right direction. Guide me Lord so that I may not live the way of this world but clearly see the Gospel way which leads me in repentance to live as You have directed us to live. I do not want to be with the armies of the wicked, but on the narrow path that leads to righteousness.
Come, Holy Spirit, and set me to the task of living out my Christianity this day. You are within me, and I ask that You lead me. You know where my stubbornness gets in the way. You know where I need to repent. Lead me, Lord, so that I may humbly submit to what is right and good. Guide me to be led by You where You will lead me this day. Help me to willingly go where You lead and do what You ask. Amen.