Devotion for Monday, April 15, 2024
“And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Even the Gentiles, do they not do the same? Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:47).
The Lord God Almighty is complete in Himself. He will give us His integrity also. We are called out of ourselves to live as we have been created to live. We begin with selfishness, by the example of Christ, He will lead us also to be selfless. All whom you meet were created in God’s image and have the same potential to be sons and daughters of the Lord. Treat all others you do not know as sisters and brothers you have not met.
Lord, You have called us through the grace of Christ Jesus our Savior. Pride was the downfall of the devil. We are born and the pride in us grows. You slay that pride in our salvation so that we may become like Christ. Help all Your faithful to treat strangers as long-lost friends. Keep us mindful to treat others as we wish to be treated. Encourage us to do the ‘more’ that Jesus is talking about.
Lord Jesus, You have given the words of eternal life. You have called me through my baptism to be one with others as You are one with the Father. Grant that I would be willing to have You go to work on my heart so that I embark on the journey of living the words You have given me. Help me see that there are no strangers, only those whom I have not yet met. Lead me so that I may be completed as You are complete. Amen.