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“And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not dishonored except in his hometown and in his own household.” And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief” (Matthew 13:57-58).

We begin with familiarity and then justify dismissing what we have seen. “They could not have done that.” With the Lord, all things are possible. Jesus is teaching us to honor whom God sends. Whether it is a farmer like Amos, a fisherman like Peter, or someone like you or me, it is what the Lord is saying and not the servant who is speaking the Lord’s word that matters.

Lord, teach me to honor others no matter what they appear to be. Guide me so that I may see others through Your eyes. Wisdom can come from You any time and in any place. Help me to understand that. You showed up amidst an ordinary family. You are the Good News in the flesh, and many are unable to move beyond the mystery of the Incarnation. Let me humbly see things as they are, mystery included, and follow You.

Lord Jesus, it cannot be just about the miracles. Of course You can do all things, for You are God. Help me to understand more profoundly that You have come to take me by the hand and lead me into all truth. Take my eyes away from circumstances to see Your hand in all things. Rest Your hand upon me that I may be in Your Spirit and move by Your direction. Guide me this day and every day according to the Father’s will. Amen.

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