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“The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and putting Jesus to the test, they asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.  But He replied to them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red’” (Matthew 16:1-2).

The scoffers in this world will never be satisfied.  “Yes, You did this, now do more.”  The wicked want sign after sign.  Their hearts are hard, and they do not want to trust the One who made all things.  That is the rebellion of this age.  Learn to trust the Lord above all things.  Be guided by His grace to move through those times when you doubt or want something other than what the Lord is giving you.

Lord, where we are skeptical, help us to be thankful.  Where we are demanding, teach us to be content.  Where we do not believe, help our unbelief.  Guide us away from the wickedness of this world to understand that all things have always been in Your hands.  You are the author of life, and You know where our lives are going.  Guide us, Lord, so that we live into the new lives You are giving the faithful.

Holy Spirit, You know me outside and within.  In the example of Christ my Savior, lead me out of the sinful places where my heart resides to accept and love all that You are doing in and through my life.  Help me live into the upward call You give and be content in all situations.  Minister to me that I may be enabled to minister to others.  Create in me a pure heart that prays for the Father’s will to be done at all times and in all places.  Amen.

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