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PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, Cycle C: January 19, 2025: 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Proper 1


Isaiah 62:1-5: (Zion shall be the beautiful and beloved bride of God)

Psalm 128: (The blessedness of family life for those who love God)

                RCL/ELW: Psalm 36:5-10: (God’s steadfast love, righteousness, judgments, salvation are for all. “In your light we see light.”)

1 Corinthians 12:1-11: (no one speaking by the Spirit of God says “Let Jesus be cursed;” no one says “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit. There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit)

John 2:1-11: (Wedding at Cana)



Opening Hymn: O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright, v. 1-3: LBW #76, ELW #308 (Heaven forfend we should call Jesus our heavenly Bridegroom in verse 2; instead he’s our precious diamond. Sigh.), LSB #395

OR Jesus, Come! For We Invite You: ELW #312

OR The Star Proclaims the King is Here: LSB #399, v. 1, 4, 5

Hymn of the Day: All Praise to You, O Lord: LBW #78

OR Songs of Thankfulness and Praise: LBW #90, ELW #310, LSB #394

Communion Hymn #1: Jesus, Priceless Treasure: LBW #457/458, ELW #775, LSB #743

OR What Feast of Love: WOV #701, ELW #487

Communion Hymn #2: Now the Silence: LBW #205, ELW #460, LSB #910

Closing Hymn: O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright, v. 4-6: LBW #76, ELW #308, LSB #395

OR Come, Join in Cana’s Feast: LSB #408


Let us draw near to the Throne of Grace, offering prayer and supplication on behalf of the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Holy God, thank you for loving your people so passionately that the best human analogy is that of a wedding, and of the love between a bride and bridegroom. Forgive us when we can’t properly hear or understand these words! Thank you for the healing and forgiveness that you bestow in Jesus. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who constantly forms us into Christ’s image and his bride.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Adorn your Church with faithful teaching and preaching, and with deeds of mercy and reconciliation. Grant that its worship befits the adoration and delight of a bride for her beloved. Overshadow your persecuted servants with your Holy Spirit. Let them bless the Name of Jesus their Lord. Let their tormentors repent of cursing his Name.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Later this week as we commemorate the sanctity of life, we pray for mercy on women who seek, or who have endured, an abortion – and upon the father of their unborn child. Help them understand your love for them, and their unborn child. Where forgiveness is needed, grant it freely. Help them to turn to you. Give them the strength to choose life, not death, if they are pregnant. Give them the grace to forgive themselves and each other, and to be healed in body and soul, if they have already had an abortion. We also pray for those who struggle to have children and cannot; for those who have lost a child they loved; and for those who struggle to love their children when that is difficult. Have mercy on them all.  They face terrible demons of grief, shame, regret, fear, and anger. Help us to walk with them through their dark valleys. Help us to share our confidence that you will lead them safely through.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, for many of our congregations, the phrase “we are family” is literally true! Bind us together with the cords of your love, as well as kinship ties and traditions. Make this congregation a place where many are adopted into your family, and where the bounties of your blessings are lovingly shared with all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

In the States, tomorrow is Inauguration Day and also the commemoration of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Let his vision for a healed, just, and united people guide the new President and his cabinet. Let your steadfast love and righteousness dwell in the hearts of all our elected and appointed leaders; in the minds of all who take counsel for the nations; and in the actions of everyone in positions of authority in our society. Give us grace to share the gifts and skills you have so generously bestowed – especially with the poor and lonely, the suffering and the sorrowing.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We plead on behalf of everyone who struggles with pain, grief, addiction, fear, shame, doubt, or despair. We lift before you the needs of: {List.} Give them courage to cling to you in times of trouble. Give to those who care for them a double portion of your compassionate and loving Spirit.

Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Thank you, heavenly Father, for all our beloved dead who clung faithfully to your promise of salvation. Dry our tears and ease our sorrow. Give us grace to live in faith toward you, and with fervent love for one another. Then, by your great mercy, gather us, with all whom your dear Son is pleased to call his bride and his beloved, at the table of that marriage feast which has no end.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Graciously hear, and generously answer our prayers, dear Father, in accordance with your wisdom and mercy for us. We pray in the name of your dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

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