Children’s Sermon January 26, 2025/ Third Sunday of Epiphany/ Lectionary Year C


Luke 4:14-21


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Mic drop!

Pastor: Well, good morning to you, too, Sammy.

Sammy: Mic drop!

Pastor: Mic drop?

Sammy: Mic drop!

Pastor: Boys and girls, I need a little help. I am a lot older than you, and I seem to be out of touch with the lingo the kids (and sheep) are using these days. What is a mic drop? What is Sammy talking about?

[Allow time for responses]

Sammy: Mic drop!

Pastor: Oh, I get it, Sammy! You are saying that Jesus had a mic drop—a big moment of triumph—in the Gospel today.

Sammy: Exactly!

Pastor: What would you consider his mic drop, Sammy?

Sammy: Well, Jesus reads the scripture from Isaiah to everyone in the temple just like we read the scripture here in church. When he is done reading about the coming Messiah that Isaiah prophesies about in the scripture, he says that he is the Messiah.

Pastor: Yes, Jesus says that he is the Messiah. He shares this information with the people of Nazareth, which is the town where he grew up.

Sammy: I love what Jesus says, Pastor.

Pastor: Me too, Sammy. Jesus says that the Spirit of the Lord is upon him, and he will bring good news to the poor, set the captives free, and help the blind see.

Sammy: And Jesus does all of these miracles. He truly is the Son of God.

Pastor: Yes he is—Jesus is our King and Savior.

Sammy: When Jesus shares that he is the Messiah, that’s his mic drop—his moment of triumph.

Pastor: If you want to call that moment a mic drop, that’s okay, Sammy. Jesus is victorious over many things: sin, death, the grave. He is victorious over declaring who he is to us as well. Boys and girls, would you please fold your hands and bow your heads in prayer with me? Dear Jesus, thank you for sharing who you are with us. Thank you for setting us free from sin, helping the blind to see, and giving us the power of your Holy Spirit. We love you, Lord. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon January 19, 2025/ 2nd Sunday of Epiphany/ Lectionary Year C


John 2:1-11


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning, Pastor! Hey Pastor?

Pastor: Yes, Sammy?

Sammy: I was listening to you read the Gospel message this morning, and I would like to share some of my thoughts about what you read.

Pastor: Sure, Sammy. I think we have a couple of minutes for you to share your thoughts.

Sammy: That’s great! First of all, all of our mamas know us really well.

Pastor: Of course. Our mamas are there on the day we are born, and they feel us before we are born, too. They raise us from when we are tiny babies.

Sammy: Jesus’s mama knows him really well. She knows that he is capable of miracles.

Pastor: Jesus’s mother, Mary, was told by the angel Gabriel that she would carry and give birth to the Son of God.

Sammy: I have another observation based on the gospel today: Mamas need their wine.

Pastor: …

Sammy: Mary encouraged the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. The wedding guests were out of wine. And I know all mamas need a glass of wine from time to time. And lots of mamas go to weddings.

Pastor: Yes, Sammy. The servants listened to Jesus as he told them to fill very large purification jars with water. He then told them to take some out of the jar and give the wine to the chief steward.

Sammy: That’s right. That brings us to my third point: Jesus always gives us the very best. When we follow him, we receive the best gifts from him. And we have to think about the little things he gives us, too. More wine at a wedding isn’t really important to me—I’m just a little lamb—but it’s really important to the bride and the groom and all the mamas who like wine.

Pastor: Sammy, I am grateful you shared your thoughts about the gospel today. The wedding at Cana is Jesus’s first public miracle, and this miracle is certainly a very special one. Our God always provides for us and gives us good gifts. Let’s give thanks to him. Boys and girls, would you please bow your heads and fold your hands in prayer? Dear Jesus, thank you for the gifts you give us. Help us to see the little gifts as miracles, too. We love you. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, Pastor! Bye, boys and girls!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!


Children’s Sermon January 12th/ Baptism of Our Lord/ Lectionary Year C

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22



Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning everyone! Pastor, the Gospel from Luke today talked about a winnowing fork and a granary. I know what those are, and I can tell the boys and girls.

Pastor: That would be great, Sammy. I am sure you know all about winnowing forks and granary because you live on a farm.

Sammy: That’s right!

Pastor: Let’s start with winnowing fork. What is that?

Sammy: A winnowing fork is a tool that farmers use to separate the grain of wheat from the chaff.

Pastor: What do you mean?

Sammy: Well, when farmers harvest wheat, they keep the grain of the wheat and turn that into bread, rolls, cake, cookies, pie…

Pastor: Okay, Sammy. We get the idea. We can use the grain of wheat to make lots of yummy baked goods. But what about the chaff?

Sammy: Well, the winnowing fork allows the chaff to blow away in the wind. That’s what farmers want because people do not eat the chaff.

Pastor: Sammy, would you like to also tell us about a granary?

Sammy: Yes! So after the farmers separate the wheat from the chaff, they collect all of the wheat and store it in a granary. It’s basically a big room just for the grain of the wheat. And when they need to sell or use the wheat, they can take what they need from the granary.

Pastor: Sammy, you did a great job of explaining these farming tools and techniques to the boys and girls.

Sammy: Thank you, Pastor.

Pastor: Boys and girls, when we are baptized, we become a part of God’s family. Jesus invites us into his family, and we are sealed by the Holy Spirit when we are baptized. In the Gospel today, John talks about how Jesus knows who belongs to him and who is a part of his family. He keeps us, his children, in his granary forever. We are so loved by God, and he wants us to be a part of his kingdom.

Sammy: That’s a great comparison, Pastor!

Pastor: John did a great job of sharing the message of Jesus and preparing the people to hear the Gospel.

Sammy: Yes he did. Boys and girls, would you please fold your hands and bow your heads in prayer with me? Dear Jesus, thank you for baptism. Thank you for inviting us into your granary and for including us in the promise of your coming kingdom. We love you. Amen. Bye everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon January 5, 2025/ Christmas 2/ Lectionary Year C


John 1:[1-9] 10-18


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning, Pastor.

Pastor: Sammy, did you know that we can find Jesus in the Old Testament?

Sammy: We can? I thought Jesus only appeared in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and that he only appeared in the New Testament.

Pastor: Many follows of Jesus today think that Jesus is only in the four gospels, but he is in the Old Testament as well.

Sammy: Where? Do the boys and girls know where we can find Jesus?

Pastor: Boys and girls, do you know where we can find Jesus? 

[Allow time for responses]

Pastor: In the Gospel of John today, John declares that Jesus is the Word of God who was in the beginning. Who created the heavens and earth, Sammy?

Sammy: God did. He spoke and creation came into being.

Pastor: That’s right. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit existed from the beginning, before the creation of our world.

Sammy: What is the first thing that God created, Pastor?

Pastor: In the Gospel today, John talks about Jesus as the light of the world, and that’s also the first thing that God created: light.

Sammy: I like the light, Pastor. I like when I can see where I am going.

Pastor: When we follow Jesus, our creator, we will see more clearly than ever before.

Sammy: So where else can we find Jesus in the Old Testament?

Pastor: Jesus walked with Abraham and ate with him. He stood in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. When you read stories from the Old Testament, you have to look for him. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are present all throughout scripture, and Jesus walks among his people many times.

Sammy: I love knowing that Jesus walks with us today, too. We have an amazing God.

Pastor: Yes, we do. Boys and girls, let’s fold our hands and bow our heads. Please repeat after me: Dear Jesus, Thank you for creating light and for always being there, even before creation. Help us to search for you daily, especially as we read the scriptures. Thank you for your love. Amen.

Sammy: Bye, everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!


Christmas Eve

Sammy: Guess what guess what guess what!

Pastor: What, Sammy? You seem really excited to tell us something.

Sammy: You are never going to believe what I saw!

Pastor: What did you see, Sammy?

Sammy: I was sleeping, okay? I was all curled up next to my maaamaaa and then all of a sudden, someone turned on the sun in the middle of the night.

Pastor: Someone turned on the sun?

Sammy: Yes! The sky was that bright! First there was darkness and little twinkly stars and then boom! A light as bright as the sun filled the sky. So of course I woke up. And you are never going to believe what happened next.

Pastor: Please tell us.

Sammy: I saw angels fill the sky. One angel named Gabriel told all of us: my maaamaaa, my cousins, and aunts and uncles, and even farmers Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the shepherds something really special.

Pastor: What did he say?

Sammy: Gabriel said, “Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11 to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah,[b] the Lord. 12 This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.

Pastor: What else happened?

Sammy: Well then the angels started singing! They sounded so good. Just like our choir here at St. Paul’s.

Pastor: Well what happened next?

Sammy: Are you serious, Pastor Jim? Of course I had to go see the baby. I love babies.

Pastor: Who went to go see the baby?

Sammy: My maaamaaa, my cousins, and aunts and uncles, and even farmers Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the shepherds, too. We all went.

Pastor: And, what did you think?

Sammy: The baby was so cute. His momma and dada wrapped him up in swaddling clothes just like the shepherds use for lambs and laid him in the manger—just like the manger I eat from. He’s a lamb just like me! But you know, Pastor Jim, I could tell that there is something really special about this baby.

Pastor: What do you mean?

Sammy: This baby is no ordinary baby. This baby shone brighter than all of the angels in the night sky. And I felt such peace when I laid down in front of the manger. And I knew in my heart that even I, a little lamb, am so loved.

Pastor: Sammy, you witnessed the greatest event in the history of man. God is with us. A savior is born to us. Boys and girls, let’s pray: Dear Jesus: Thank you for being with us. Thank you for guiding us. Thank you for coming to earth as a baby. Thank you for your love. Amen.

Sammy: I have a gift for each of the boys and girls here today. I have a little lamb for each of you to adopt into your family to remind you how much Jesus loves you. Pastor Jim, can you give everyone a lamb please?

Pastor Jim: Merry Christmas, Sammy!

Sammy: Merry Christmas, Pastor Jim! Merry Christmas boys and girls!

Children’s Sermon/December 22/Advent 4/Lectionary Year C


Luke 1:39-45 [46-55]


Pastor: Good morning, everyone! Let’s say good morning to our friend

Sammy and see if she is there. 1, 2, 3 GOOD MORNING SAMMY!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor! Guess what!

Pastor: Yes Sammy?

Sammy: A ewe on our farm is having an another Lamb! I’m going to have more friends!

Pastor: That’s great Sammy. It’s always great to have another life coming into the world.

Sammy: Your mentioned two babies in our gospel reading today. One of them leaped in his mother’s belly. Why did he do that?

Pastor: Well, the two babies I spoke about today were John the Baptist and Jesus. They were both alive inside the bellies of their mama’s, Mary and Elizabeth.

Sammy: You mean Jesus was a baby just like all of us were? That’s amazing!

Pastor: Yes it is, and you can find him in our church today! Boys and girls where can we find baby Jesus in our church today!

Wait for answers

Sammy: Those are great answers everyone! Pastor Jim. You didn’t answer my question. Why did John leap in his mother’s womb?

Pastor:  John even as a little baby in his mother’s belly recognized the savior to the whole world. That even as a very little person he was already doing what he would as an adult. Point people to Jesus.

Sammy: Wow, if he can point people to Jesus before he is even born, we can do it now even when we are small.

Pastor: Yes, we can. Boys and Girls, can you pray with me today? Fold your hands and bow your heads. Dear Jesus, help us to point to you like John. So others may find you. Thank you, lord Jesus for saving us. Amen

Children’s Sermon December 15, 2024/ Advent 3/ Lectionary Year C


Luke 3:7-18

Pastor: Good morning, everyone! Let’s say good morning to our friend

Sammy and see if she is there. 1, 2, 3 GOOD MORNING SAMMY!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Pastor! Pastor, I have a question. Pastor, what does it mean to be baptized?

Pastor: Why do you ask Sammy?

Sammy: Famer Luke says, John was baptizing people in the wilderness. And that someone else will come with a new baptism of holy spirit and fire.

Pastor: Well Sammy, John was preparing the way for his cousin Jesus to come and bring the Holy Spirit to people.

Sammy: Okay, but what does it mean to be baptized? You haven’t answered my question.

Pastor: First let’s ask the boys and girls. Have you ever seen a baptism? What was it like? Wait for answers.

Sammy: Great answers everyone!

Pastor: Baptism is the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is when our bodies become the temple of the holy spirit. That’s what John is talking about when he says, “He will baptize you with the holy spirit.” Through baptism, we are a part of God’s family forever!

Sammy: And you only need to be baptized once, right pastor?

Pastor: One time is good enough for eternity.

Sammy: That is amazing Pastor. Boys and girls. Can you please pray with me? Fold your hands and bow your heads. Dear God, thank you for baptism. Thank you for choosing us to be a part of your family. And thank you for the Holy Spirit. AMEN

Sammy: Bye everyone, bye Pastor!

Pastor: Bye Sammy!

Children’s Sermon December 8, 2024/ Advent 2/ Lectionary Year C



Luke 3:1-6


Pastor: Good morning Everyone! Let’s say good morning to our friend

Sammy and see if she is there. 1, 2, 3 GOOD MORNING SAMMY!

Sammy: (Singing favorite advent or Christmas hymn) Good Morning Everyone, Good morning, Pastor.

Pastor: Sammy what song are you singing

Sammy: It’s my favorite Christmas song Pastor. Boys and girls do you have a favorite Christmas song? Wait for answers.

Pastor: Those are some great songs everyone. My favorite song is Insert favorite here. Did you know there are songs in the bible.

Sammy: No I didn’t. That’s amazing Pastor.

Pastor: In one of today’s readings Zechariah burst into song after his the birth of his son John.

Sammy: That sounds fun pastor. Maybe I will start singing a song every time I’m happy!

Pastor: He wasn’t just happy Sammy, he was singing in praise of the Lord.

Sammy: Like we do every Sunday pastor?

Pastor: Yes and it’s very important. We have a whole book of songs in the bible we call them psalms.

Sammy: I guess God’s people have always been a singing people haven’t they been pastor?

Pastor: Yes they have. In worship we should sing loudly and proudly. Can everyone please fold their hands and bow their heads? Dear Jesus, thank you for giving us music. So we can sing in praise of you. We love you. Amen.

Sammy: Bye Everyone, Bye Pastor!

Pastor: Bye Sammy!

Children’s Sermon December 1st, 2024/ Advent 1/ Lectionary Year C


Luke 21:25-36


Pastor: Good Morning Everyone! Let’s say good morning to our friend

Sammy and see if she is there. 1, 2, 3 GOOD MORNING SAMMY!

Sammy: (Tired) Good morning everyone. Yawns

Pastor: Why are you so tired?

Sammy: I’ve been up ALL day and night looking up at the sun, moon, and stars looking for something.

Pastor: Boys and girls what are some things we can find in the sky? Wait for answers.

Sammy: Those are all great answers. But I wasn’t looking for those things Pastor.

Pastor: What were you looking for then Sammy?

Sammy: Pastor, you haven’t been listening to Jesus have you? Jesus said he’d be coming in a cloud and we should look for signs in the sun, moon, and stars to see when he is coming back. So, I’ve been looking, but I haven’t seen him yet? I don’t even know what to look for.

Pastor: Well Sammy you might be waiting for a long time.  

Sammy: But Jesus says he’s coming back soon.

Pastor: Yes, he does Sammy. But all times are soon to Jesus. He is God. He lives forever. So, time does not really apply to him.

Sammy: I cannot look up at the sky forever pastor. I have important things to do.

Pastor: Yes, we all do. Jesus tells us to be alert and prepare for his coming. But he also tells us not be anxious about it. Remember he is doing the work of coming back not us. So we don’t have to worry about it.

Sammy: What do I do while I am waiting then?

Pastor: Jesus says, love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself. We can focus on that while we wait.

Sammy: Thank you, pastor. I will.

Pastor: Can we fold our hands and bow our heads in prayer? Dear Jesus, thank you coming to be with us. Thank for teaching us to love. Thank you for rescuing us. We love you. Amen.

Sammy: Bye everyone!

Pastor: Bye, Sammy!

Children’s Sermon November 24th, 2024/Christ the King!


John 18:33-37


Pastor: Good morning boys and girls! Welcome! Let’s say good morning to our friend Sammy and see if she is there. Ready? One, two, three: Good morning, Sammy!

Sammy: Pastor! Pastor! I saw a king this morning!


Pastor: Sammy, how do you know he was a king?


Sammy: Well, he was wearing all of the king clothing. I don’t remember the names of all of his accessories.


Pastor: Boys and girls, can you name some things that a king would wear?


[Allow time for responses]


Pastor: Those are all great things that a king might wear. Did you know that Jesus is a king?


Sammy: Pastor, Jesus is the King of Kings. That’s who I saw this morning. I saw Jesus as I was coming into church.


Pastor: Where was he? I didn’t see him.


Sammy: He’s right there, Pastor. He’s on the stained glass and the banner and the bulletin. And he’s in our hearts. He’s everywhere!


Pastor: I guess you’re right, Sammy. I wasn’t looking close enough.


Sammy: Pastor, I know I told you that Jesus is the King of Kings, but what does that mean?


Pastor: That means that he is the king above all kings. And all people bow down to him. That includes kings, presidents, and other world leaders.


Sammy: Wow! Jesus must be a really great king.


Pastor: Yes he is. Boys and girls, can you please fold your hands and bow your heads in prayer with me? Dear Jesus, Thank you for being the King of Kings. Thank you for being kind and generous with your love. We love you. Amen.