Christian Marxist Antisemitism
Most people would call me a “conservative” Lutheran, although I would prefer to be called orthodox or traditional. Nevertheless, I will accept the label. Therefore, as a conservative Lutheran, it is incumbent upon me to differentiate myself from the conservative Christians who hold views that I reject. So let me say clearly that I reject Christian Zionism.
What is Christian Zionism? Normally, that term describes a fundamentalist dispensationalist theology that believes the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 was the fulfilment of prophecy. Furthermore it holds that all the land currently in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza belong to the State of Israel by divine right. As a result, it holds that Israel has the right to annex territory and establish settlements wherever it wishes. It does not recognize the Palestinians as a people, nor their right to have a state of their own. Finally, it sees conflict between Israelis and Palestinians as a necessary and unavoidable precursor to the End Times. Anyone who does not support Israel militarily is therefore considered an enemy of God. (Not everything called Christian Zionism falls under this definition. See Israel Matters and The New Christian Zionism by Gerald R. McDermott)
I reject Christian Zionism as described above because it is a form of Millennialism, which the Augsburg Confession rejects in Article XVII. I also reject Christian Zionism because I reject the notion that a person’s rights should be based on their religion or ethnicity. In other words, I am a “classical liberal”. I support a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, in which Israelis and Palestinians, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze, and people of other religions have equal political and human rights.
Having said that, I would like to ask why some Lutherans of the left refuse to distance themselves from groups that deny the right of Israel to exist, that teach violent Antisemitism, and that use Marxist dualism to justify violence and terrorism? A very concrete example of the refusal to renounce Christian Marxist Antisemitism occurred at the 2024 Synod Assembly of the Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA. In a resolution entitled Resolution 24-02 Palestinian Advocacy and Dismantling Christian Zionism in Our Churches, the assembly lamented the destruction caused by Israeli attacks in Gaza, saying
Be it Resolved, The Florida Bahamas Synod in Assembly laments both the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure, housing, schools and universities, hospitals, and places of worship–and the millions of people who are experiencing displacement, facing malnutrition, and starvation, as a result primarily of Israel’s continuing air strikes and blocking entry of humanitarian aid trucks…
Among other things, it also recommends that congregations learn about the SUMUD initiative and spend at least three hours of adult education time in the next three months in learning more about the conflict, occupation and Christian Zionism. Missing is any condemnation of HAMAS for the killing of 1200 people in Israel on October 7, 2023, or of any attribution of responsibility to HAMAS for starting the war that is now devastating Gaza.
Consider an earlier part of the resolution:
Whereas, The ELCA Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton, on October 13, 2023 denounced the attacks and hostage-taking on October 7, 2023, by HAMAS and has denounced the subsequent disproportionate death toll among Palestinian civilians; as reported by the United Nations, more than thirty-four thousand civilians have been killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023 ;…
Please notice two things. First, while the resolution mentions that Bishop Eaton denounced the attacks and hostage taking, it never joins her in that denunciation. Secondly, while it mentions the number of people killed by Israel in Gaza, it never mentions the number killed by HAMAS on October 7.
Is this an oversight? Did the resolution simply assume that everyone denounces HAMAS and its ideology? Sadly, the answer is no. An amendment was proposed that clarified things by adding the following words:
and emphatically denounce the following Palestinian groups that have been involved in politically motivated violence to include the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of organizations[sic], Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Abu Nidal Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas,
However, the Florida-Bahamas Synod declined. Why? The only answer that I can see is a convergence
of historic Christian Antisemitism and Christian Marxism. The Antisemitism of the Christian left follows
the Marxist practice of dividing all of humanity into oppressor and oppressed. This Marxist dualism sees the oppressor as always evil and the oppressed as always innocent. Furthermore, the oppressed are never really responsible for their actions. Whatever they might do, even if it involves the kind of
atrocities perpetrated on October 7, it is never their fault. The oppressor drove them to it. As Bishop
Eaton said in her letter on October 13, 2023, to which the resolution refers,
We must also call a thing a thing. The power exerted against all Palestinian people — through the occupation, the expansion of settlements and the escalating violence — must be called out as a root cause of what we are witnessing.
Bp. Eaton
According Bishop Eaton, the root cause of the violent Antisemitism of HAMAS, is Israel. The Florida-
Bahamas Synod Assembly concurs. The refusal to denounce HAMAS and other militant groups is
intentional. So, one would guess, is the refusal to address the Antisemitic rhetoric, intimidation, and
violence at anti-Israel rallies in the U.S.
As a “conservative” Lutheran I am glad to renounce Christian Zionism. Are there any “liberal” or
“progressive” Lutherans who are willing to renounce Christian Marxist Antisemitism?
2022 Pre-Easter Giving Appeal Letter
April 2022
Dear Friends –
The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, “I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received, that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4)
He also wrote to his young friend Timothy, “And what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.” (2 Timothy 2: 2)
The writer of the Gospel of John penned these words. “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20: 31)
The witness of Scripture is clear and strong. It does matter whether the message of the Bible is preserved, shared, heard, and believed.
The most sacred and precious time of the year for those who love Jesus is Holy Week. It is then that we hear and read once again of His triumphal entry, last supper, agony in the garden, betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The accounts of this one week form the major part of each of the four Gospels, and we are fortunate to have four Gospel accounts. We know more about what Jesus did for our salvation because we have all four.
And yet what do we see going on now? A movement to “cancel” the passion narrative in the Gospel of John and remove it from the lectionary readings for Holy Week. The reason given is that the two chapters of John 18 and 19 are being accused of fostering antisemitism.
There is no doubt but that antisemitism is wrong, just as there is no doubt but that any form of racism is wrong. Historically, according to the Gospels, it was the Jews who cried for Jesus to be crucified. It was the Romans who carried out the crucifixion. But it was my sins that nailed Jesus to the cross, just as much as anyone else’s.
This movement to “cancel” John is “gaining steam” within the U. S. Episcopal Church. I am alarmed when I read comments also from ELCA pastors who would like to see the Gospel of John removed from the list of Scripture readings for Holy Week.
In my April letter from the director, which will be published in mid-April, I will tell more about this movement and how it is gaining ground within the ELCA. Here we see just one more way in which the authority of the Scriptures first is questioned and then is rejected. Anything difficult in the Bible is thrown out, rather than wrestled with and learned from. Any time when the voice of the Bible is in conflict with the voice of our culture, the voice of our culture prevails.
If the passion readings in the Gospel of John are thrown out, what will it be next? That is a question we continually ask regarding the ELCA. What will it be next? We already know of ELCA pastors who believe that the message of the cross is not that Jesus died for our sins. Instead it is a challenge to join God in the work of dismantling oppressive, political power structures. There are others who say that the main message and mission of the church is to support environmental causes and concerns. What will it be next? As everyone who has observed trends and events in the last decade knows only too well, it will not stop here. The departure from and rejection of traditional, Biblical beliefs and values will only accelerate.
What is at stake is the very heart of our faith – the message of the cross, the hope of the resurrection, the privilege and joy of knowing God as Father, Christ’s command to His church to fulfill the Great Commission, and God’s call to His people to holy living.
We of Lutheran CORE have been working hard to show you how the orthodox Christian faith and Biblical moral values are first being compromised and then rejected by such things as the embrace of critical race theory by many Christian leaders, the choice of keynote speakers for national youth gatherings, the ELCA’s full embrace of the LGBTQ+ agenda and values, and the way in which many in the ELCA twist the message of the Bible in order to support that agenda. Through our being one of the sponsors of the NEXUS Institute at Grand View University, our support system for orthodox seminarians, and our support group for younger persons, many of whom are planning on attending seminary, we are also working hard so that there will be Biblically faithful and Great Commission-minded pastors in the future. Thank you for your interest in and support of these efforts and your generous gifts to our Pastoral Formation Fund.
It is your ongoing prayers and gifts to Lutheran CORE that enable us to continue our work of being a Voice for Biblical Truth and a Network for Confessing Lutherans. Thank you for your prayers for us. Click here for a form that you can use to let us know how we can be praying for you.
Giving thanks for the cross and the empty tomb,
Dennis D. Nelson
Executive Director of Lutheran CORE
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