Devotion for Friday, July 20, 2018

O Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried out by day and in the night before You. Let my prayer come before You; incline Your ear to my cry!” (Psalm 88:1-2)

The Lord is our light and our salvation. Ponder what this means. It is not what you do, but what He has done. He invites those who hear His voice to come into His presence and walk in the way of salvation. Come unto the Lord and be fed by the word of truth that You may know that He hears your cries amidst a world filled with wickedness. The Lord hears our cries and has answered with salvation.

Lord, help my heart to be calm and my mind ready to receive the salvation You have prepared. Still the voice in my head that places conditions on salvation to receive freely what You have given. Guide me in the way of life that I may walk humbly in the salvation You give for all. Lead me to the place where I truly trust You above all things knowing that only in You is there hope and a future.

Lord Jesus. Salvation come to earth, guide me this day to walk in the way, truth and life You have accomplished from the cross. By the power of the Holy Spirit, lead me in the way of that truth. Keep me from making conditional what is unconditional, the way You have prepared for those who believe. Lead me to trust You and walk humbly in the way You have established for all. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, November 16, 2017

“In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid.  What can man do to me?”  (Psalm 56:10-11)

What can anyone do to you in the face of Almighty God who holds all things in His hand.  Yes, there are storms in this world, but learn from Jesus to be calm in the midst of every storm.  Though they kill you, yet will you live.  Trouble is for a time, but being in the truth of the Lord is forever.  Do not be swayed by temporary things, but live in the eternal truth of the Lord.

Lord, You know the times and seasons.  You know all that is needed.  Guide me according to Your never-changing Word to abide in You and You in me that I would walk humbly in all of Your ways.  Help me now and always to seek Your will in all things and know that You alone are to be thanked, praised and worshiped.  Guide me now and always in Your Holy Spirit.

Lord and Savior of all, You have come to lead the way for as many as would follow You.  Help me now and always to seek the Father’s will and walk humbly where You lead.  You have made clear the way I should go and You have given the direction – to hold Your hand – so I need not worry about what any day will bring.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may follow where You lead.  Amen.