Devotion for Tuesday, March 13, 2018

“From oppression and violence he redeems their life, and precious is their blood in his sight. Long may he live; may gold of Sheba be given to him! May prayer be made for him continually, and blessings invoked for him all the day!” (Psalm 72:14-15)
The Lord does not want destruction, but life. Precious in the Lord’s sight is life and He offers it to those who want to flee from oppression and violence. The way of the sinful man is destruction, but the way of the Lord is life. Look to the Lord and He will raise you up to the kind of life for which you were created to live. Pray for those who do not know that one day they will meet Him.
Lord, it is difficult in this age where there are so many who seem bent on violence and destruction, Guide me to live humbly and with care for others. Help me to see them with the same hope that You put in me. May I live in the redemption You have promised and be guided by Your Spirit to see more clearly the ways in which You have called me to live. Guide me always, O Lord.
Lord Jesus, You know violence and oppression and it is because of these things that You went to the cross. There are those who meant it for destruction, but You did it in completion of the Father’s plan as the way of redemption for those who believe. Guide me in Your way of truth, Lord, that I may abide in You now and always and reflect the light of truth in the world for all to see. Amen.