Devotion for Wednesday, January 24, 2018

“A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan; a mountain of many peaks is the mountain of Bashan.  Why do you look with envy, O mountains with many peaks, at the mountain which God has desired for His abode?  Surely the Lord will dwell there forever.”  (Psalm 68:15-16)

Did you catch this?  Every mountain is the Lord’s.  Why do you worry about special places, they all belong to the Lord.  Why do you worry about special times, all time belongs to the Lord.  The Lord has come into our midst and calls us to abide with Him.  When He lifts us up to abide with Him, we are the mountain of Bashan, for the word means to be fruitful and those who are in the Lord are fruitful.

Lord, You have spoken time and again about growing in truth and about bearing fruit.  You have mentioned the goodness of Your law and having it grow in us.  Lead me to see the good things You are growing in me that I would become one of Your mountains where You dwell.  Guide me in Your ways, O Lord, and I will walk in them.  Open my heart to truth that I would hold fast to it.

Lord Jesus, You are the One who will lead me up every mountainside and along every stream.  Guide me according to Your purposes to see in You the hope of glory and the goodness You have given by Your grace.  Help me now and always to be guided by Your will and way that I may be a high dwelling place now and always.  Thank You, Jesus, for giving grace.  Amen.

Sunday, October 29, 2017 Devotion

“There they were in great fear where no fear had been; for God scattered the bones of him who encamped against you; you put them to shame, because God had rejected them. Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion!  When God restores His captive people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad.” (Psalm 53:5-6)


Salvation does come from the One who is the salvation of God.  He Himself has come that all who hope in the promise of the Lord would know His love and mercy.  Come then, you who wonder, come all who ponder and know the goodness of the Lord.  In the midst of adversity He comes offering mercy and grace to those who turn to Him.  Fear is displaced by the assurance He gives to those who come to Him.

Lord, You say the wisdom begins with fear.  Yet it does not remain there.  This is the beginning place.  Lead me O Lord by Your wisdom to come to the place where I see that You are the One who has been calling me to You from the beginning.  Lead me into seeing the light shining in the darkness.  You have restore us, even though we are not yet restored.  You have saved us even though it is not yet.


Lord Jesus, You have come to give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and to release the captives from their bondage.  Guide me in the wisdom You offer that I would come into the eternal presence of the Father and know the goodness that has always been present.  Help me through all the difficulties that arise, that I may live in the grace You have given me from the cross.  Amen.

Thursday, October 5, 2017 Devotion

In crises the people cry out to God.  Even those who do not believe.  Yet during most times they remain silent.  The evidence of the Lord is all around and any who will look only need to open their eyes to see.  Yet many will not.  The godly ones gather together and look to the Lord.  In Him is all that is needed.  Come to the Lord while you may and learn from Him truth and life.


Lord, like many around me I am a fair-weather friend and do not look to You at all times.  Lead my heart away from where it is to where it needs to be.  Guide me according to Your principles to live into the life to which You have called me.  Help me now and always to be with You and in You following where You lead.  Guide me to live into the covenant You have established.


Lord Jesus You have come to reveal God.  Guide me now and always to live in the way You have established and keep me from veering off of the path.  You have made the possibility of living in the covenant established possible through Your grace.  Lead me by grace to live into the life to which You call me.  Help me now and always to live seeing You as my Lord and Savior.  Amen.