Prayers of the Church, 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 16, Cycle B (August 26, 2018)


14th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 16, Cycle B (August 26, 2018)


For the Church, the world, and needs of all people, let us pray to the Lord.

A brief silence

Lord God, clothe your Church in the spotless raiment and trusty armor of Jesus’ righteousness. Make it his radiant and faithful bride, adorned with beauty, holiness, goodness and grace. Make it his valiant soldier, adorned with courage, integrity, faithfulness, and perseverance. In all circumstances, use it to draw many afar off to saving faith in Jesus, their Savior, Captain, Bridegroom and Lord.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Defend and restore your Church when it is abused and persecuted for the sake of Christ. Exchange its sackcloth of suffering for the festal robes of salvation; and remove from it all stain of sorrow or sin. Bless, protect, and guide missionaries of your Gospel throughout the world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Bless this congregation with your protection and favor. Make us ever mindful that as part of your Church on earth, we reflect Jesus’ name and character to the world. Keep us faithful, generous, and kind, sharing with others the gifts of the Spirit that you have given to us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer

Bless husbands and wives, parents and children, sisters and brothers, and all whom you have entrusted to us to cherish as family. Knit us together in enduring bonds of affection, respect and fidelity. Bring healing and peace to all households fractured by sin, sorrow, and suffering.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Conform the minds of earthly leaders to your commandments; and grant them strength to accomplish their responsibilities in accordance with your will. Remove from among us the allure of sin, the temptation of power, and the seduction of earthly gain. Teach us to live peaceably with one another, and to share generously and wisely the gifts of your creation.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Keep safe all who stand in harm’s way on behalf of others, especially those in our military and all first responders. Give them cool heads and steady hands as they accomplish their duties, and grant success to all they do that serves your will. Give them swift and happy reunions with all who love them; and though we value and honor their service, we long for the day when that service is needed no more.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

You hear the cries of the righteous, and of all who suffer. Hear, therefore, and graciously answer our prayers on behalf of all who are afflicted by pain, sorrow, loneliness, despair, abuse, or any other evil which troubles them, including: {List}. Give a spirit of compassion and gentleness to all who care for them; and restore them to communion with all who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We entrust our beloved dead into your faithful care, Dear Father. Ease the pain of those whose grief is raw and deep. And since we still walk by faith and not by sight, we pray that you would sustain us throughout our earthly pilgrimage with the Cross of your dear Son, and the grace and comfort of your Holy Spirit. Bring us, in your good time, into the bright courts of heaven, where we and all whom you have redeemed shall forever feast on Christ, our Living Bread and our Cup of Salvation.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Incline your ear to our prayers, dear Lord; and answer them according to your most gracious and holy will, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Devotion for Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“For behold, they have set an ambush for my life; fierce men launch an attack against me, not for my transgression nor for my sin, O Lord, for no guilt of mine, they run and set themselves against me.”  (Psalm 59:3-4)

We often pay the recompense for our own sin in this world although forgiveness is granted to us by grace.  There are times though when others will attack with no real provocation and simply accuse and malign.  In a world of wickedness, these things do happen.  The Lord knows.  Look to the Lord who knows all things and be comforted by His grace to persevere in every time of trial.

Lord, as a sinner, I want revenge when it is by no fault of mine that I am being persecuted.  Grant that I would rest in Your grace and realize that You alone are able to handle every injustice, for You alone are able to discern what is right and fitting in every circumstance, Lead my heart to turn to You at all times and know that only in You can I find true peace that surpasses all understanding.

Lord Jesus, You have experienced the rebellion of the wicked first hand and know the false accusations that were raised against You.  In Your compassion and by Your understanding, lead me through these times of trial that will come that I may keep my eyes upon You and trust in Your never-failing support through all the tribulations of this world.  Lead me through Your grace dear Jesus.  Amen.