Devotion for Monday, October 22, 2018

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:4-5)


Thank You, Father, for all that You have done. Though I may not understand this world as well as I sometimes think I do, You are here providing for all. Lift me onto the upward path of walking humbly in Your sight and giving You praise at all times, knowing that You have wonderfully knit all things together for Your purpose. Your goodness is everlasting and Your faithfulness forever.

Take me away from those moments of confusion when I do not see Your hand. You are always present; I sometimes simply do not see this. Your provision is for all people at all times, even though many do not thank You for what You have provided. Lead me into the truth of Your presence that I would now and always walk as one who has faith, and trusts You in all circumstances.

Your goodness to all who trust You, O Lord, is above our ability to understand. You have provided for all. Grant this day that I would be thankful and appreciate all that is around me. Help me to see the small things and be grateful. Lead me to find joy in each moment and know that You are with me and all those around me. May my life be one of thanksgiving now and always. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, September 7, 2018

“It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night, with the ten-stringed lute and with the harp, with resounding music upon the lyre.” (Psalm 92:1-3)


You have given good gifts, Lord, and give them freely. May I learn from You to give praise and thanksgiving for all of Your goodness. Put praise on my lips and let the gifts You have given be freely used to praise and worship You in and through all things. You are faithful and worthy of all praise and honor. Guide me, O Lord, to learn to worship and praise You at all times.

Lord, I often think of worship as a routine and not as a part of my daily life. Lead me, O Lord, to learn that You have created me to live a life filled with praise and thanksgiving. Teach me to truly worship that I may spend all of my days the way You would have me spend them. Bring me to those places in Your Word where I may learn from You the purpose for which I have been created.

Holy Spirit, come and direct my thoughts and desires that I would live in thanksgiving for all of the goodness You bring. Put praise on my lips and guide kind words to issue from them. Fill my heart with the love You desire I have for all. May my life be a devotion to You and the wonder You have brought forth in creation. Guide me according to the Father’s will now and always. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, August 23, 2018

“You turn man back into dust and say, “Return, O children of men.” For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:3-4)


Everlasting is something beyond our ability to comprehend. History flows by You in a moment. Lead me, O Lord, into Your perspective of things that I may dwell in Your mind’s eye and not in my own imagination. Help me to learn to trust You in and through all things. Lift me up according to Your gracious will to be Your humble follower now and always, and to do Your will.

Lord God, You know all things and You know my heart. You have witnessed all who have passed before Your sight. Though I be dust animated for a short while, help me to learn to praise You, the God through whom all things have their being. Lead me in the way You would have me go that I may now and always look to You, the One true God who is in all and through all.

Come, Holy Spirit, and lift up my countenance to praise You for Your goodness which You bring. Lift me up by the grace You have provided, Lord Jesus. In all that I say or do, help me to be faithful according to the call You have given me. Guide me, O Lord, that I may do what is pleasing in Your sight. To You alone belongs all praise, thanks, honor and glory. Amen.

Devotion for Friday, July 27, 2018

“Your burning anger has passed over me; Your terrors have destroyed me. They have surrounded me like water all day long; they have encompassed me altogether. You have removed lover and friend far from me; my acquaintances are in darkness.” (Psalm 88:16-18)


There are seasons when it seems all is against you. Are you equal in your thoughts when all seems to be going for you? This world is filled with wickedness, and the Lord provides for all people. Do not lament at the Lord, but with the Lord, over those who do evil and rebel against Him. Come to Him and receive the comfort that only He can give. Know the Lord and know peace.

Lord, You have given Your Word and salvation to those who come to You and believe that You are the One who will grant peace. This world is a mess and so many take what is not theirs. Lead me, O Lord, at all times to come to You and know the goodness that You alone provide. You are the friend that will never leave me nor forsake me. Help me to put my trust in You.

Lord Jesus, You know what it is to have friends and family flee from You. Guide me always to simply follow wherever You lead. Help me see in You the hope of glory and know that in You alone am I able to fully trust. Guide me this day to walk in Your goodness and know the mercy You show through grace. Regardless of my situation, help me to praise You for Your goodness. Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, July 5, 2018

“Will You be angry with us forever? Will You prolong Your anger to all generations? Will You not Yourself revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:5-6)

When the world goes through one of its convulsions and wickedness seems to prevail, it seems as though the Lord has given up on us. He has told us that He is with us always and will never leave, nor forsake us. Come into the presence of the Lord, taste and see that He is good. He will revive those who turn to Him that they may rejoice and have praise on their lips.

Lord, I cannot see through the haze of this age. There is so much death and destruction. Yet, Your promise has prevailed over the ages and with all people. Let me see that Your hand has been there through all the wickedness that is upon the earth. You are good and Your goodness is evident to any who will look. Lead me, O Lord, that I would now and always walk in Your presence.

Lord Jesus, You have come that all who turn to You would no longer walk in the way of wickedness, but walk humbly in Your grace and mercy. Lead me now and always in the path of rejoicing knowing that in You I have life and liberty. Guide me this day to do those things which are pleasing to the Father. Guide me to do those things You give me to do now and always. Amen.

Devotion for Sunday, January 21, 2018

“You shed abroad a plentiful rain, O God; You confirmed Your inheritance when it was parched.  Your creatures settled in it; You provided in Your goodness for the poor, O God.”  (Psalm 68:9-10)

Think for a moment on the reality of this world.  In spite of all that man does to man, humanity has been fed, blessed and cared for.  Throughout history all that is needed has been provided.  The widow and the orphan are provided for.  The hungry are fed.  The Lord provides, but we must work by the sweat of our brow.  He brings the rain in due season and the fields are refreshed.

I listen to those who say otherwise, and I believe their report.  Lead me back to the simple truth that You provide what is needed in due season.  I have little to complain about Lord, for You provide for all of those in need.  Guide me into a frame of mind that simply sees the goodness You have provided for all with the seasons unfolding as You have planned that we may praise You.

Lord Jesus, teach me to praise You in season and out of season.  Guide me in the way I should go and empower my feet to walk in that way.  Lead me by the example You have given to walk as You walked and to live as You would have me live.  In all things, help me to be thankful and know that in You alone is the hope of all people, for You alone modeled the way we need to go.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, January 18, 2018

“But let the righteous be glad; let them exult before God; yes, let them rejoice with gladness.  Sing to God, sing praises to His name; lift up a song for Him who rides through the deserts, whose name is the Lord, and exult before Him.”  (Psalm 68:3-4)

Live the life you have been given.  Do what the Lord gives you to do.  Enjoy the daily life as it comes.  Through it all, sing praises to the Lord who made you, knowing that it is He who created all things and shares all that He made with us.  Rejoice and be glad, for God is good and gracious and shares of His bounty.  Sing praises and live uprightly before the Maker of all things.

Lord, I become worried in the ups and downs of daily life and do not remember Your goodness.  Help me now and always to see each day the good things You have provided in my life.  Let me learn how to rejoice in all circumstances knowing that You alone are God and all goodness comes from You.  May I sing praises to You now and always, Lord, for Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming into this world to lead us in a new way of living.  Help me relax today.  Not be lazy, but relax and go about the business You give me to do that I may live in praise and thanksgiving for all of Your goodness.  Help me now and always to be a person of praise and to sing new songs to You for Your goodness.  Ride before me, Lord, in whatever direction You will lead me.  Amen.

Devotion for Tuesday, January 16, 2018

“Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.  The earth has yielded its produce; God, our God, blesses us.  God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him.”  (Psalm 67:5-7)

In the ebb and flow of history, nations arise which do praise the Lord.  They are blessed when they do.  But whether or not they bless the Lord, He provides for them.  The earth brings forth its bounty and God provides for all.  See how good the Lord is and although many ignore Him, be one who blesses the Lord for the goodness He brings forth into this world.

Lord I am often more influenced by those around me than by You.  Yet the truth is that Your presence so permeates the world that it is You who is everywhere.  Help me to see more clearly that only in You is there hope and a future and that by Your goodness we all live.  Guide my heart to simply give thanks and praise You always and in every situation.  Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness.

Lord Jesus, not only were all things created by and through You, but You have redeemed the world by giving Your own life as a sacrifice.  Lead me, Lord Jesus, to live into the promises You have given and know that in You is there hope and a future, Lead me, O Lord, that I may be led to walk in the way You have established always.  Guide me and teach me how to praise and be thankful for all things.  Amen.

Devotion for Monday, January 15, 2018

“Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You.  Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for You will judge the peoples with uprightness and guide the nations on the earth.”  (Psalm 67:3-4)

Lord how much better would this world be if they just stopped fighting against the truth, seeking to replace it with their idea of the truth.  Alas, the world continues its battle and I along with them.  Bring me to the place where I praise you in spite of what those around me do.  You are the righteous judge and it shall be as You determine.  Guide me to live in that knowledge always.

Lord, You know the struggle in my heart.  I desire those things which are of no value and flee from Your statutes which are more precious than gold or silver.  Judge my heart that I may be freed of those things which hinder me, and lead me in Your ways now and always to be one who praises You in season and out of season.  Righteous judge, give me Your righteousness.

Righteousness Incarnate, Jesus my Savior, guide me in the way of truth that You have established that I may be guided in Your  way now and always.  Lead me forth from this moment to live in the truth that all things are known and that You are guiding me in the way I should go.  Help me see through the cloud of this age to become and be the person You have created me to be.  Amen.

Devotion for Thursday, January 11, 2018

“Which my lips uttered and my mouth spoke when I was in distress.  I shall offer to You burnt offerings of fat beasts, with the smoke of rams; I shall make an offering of bulls with male goats.”  (Psalm 66:14-15)

Through all that comes, the Lord desires that we learn to be people who praise Him in spite of circumstances. Offer yourself to the Lord and go where He will send you.  Do not hold back and do not be conditional in your offerings.  The Lord will create in you a clean and new heart that will worship and praise Him in all circumstances.  Come as you are and bow to the Creator of all things.

Lord I am conditional in my life.  I react depending upon the circumstances. Guide me away from being conditional to simply living the life You have given me knowing that only in You is there hope and a future. Renew in me a heart that longs after You and the things You would have me do.  Lead me in Your ways always that I may become sanctified as You have called me to be.

Lord Jesus You have come to lead the way in righteousness.  Guide me through all of the obstacles that will come my way knowing that You will lead me to where I need to be.  In creating me to be like You help me see all of the obstacles that are to be overcome that I may understand more fully as I pass through this life in preparation for all that is to come.  Amen.