Devotion for Saturday, August 11, 2018

“If his sons forsake My law and do not walk in My judgments, if they violate My statutes and do not keep My commandments, then I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes.”  (Psalm 89:30-32)


Notice that when speaking to the ones of the promise God does not damn them, but He rebukes and punishes them.  Those who are in the promise of the Savior are saved even though they need reproof and teaching.  Be comforted that the Lord loves you enough to go to whatever length necessary to hold You fast all the days of your life.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Be comforted.

Many of the faithful ask what is going on.  You have spoken and we all need correction and reproof.  We do not know what You know, Lord, but You have told us that there is a time of shaking and the holy ones are being purified.  Teach me to see that I need to keep my eyes upon You that I may learn faithfulness.  No matter what happens, lead me, O Lord, to walk in Your ways.

Savior of the world, teach me and guide me.  Reprove me where I need admonishment.  You have paid the price of salvation and have granted the gift of faith.  Guide me today in the way You would have me go and help me to see the truth of what is happening around me.  Grant that I remain humble and confident in the truth You have given that I may walk with You forever.  Amen.

Devotion for Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“For behold, they have set an ambush for my life; fierce men launch an attack against me, not for my transgression nor for my sin, O Lord, for no guilt of mine, they run and set themselves against me.”  (Psalm 59:3-4)

We often pay the recompense for our own sin in this world although forgiveness is granted to us by grace.  There are times though when others will attack with no real provocation and simply accuse and malign.  In a world of wickedness, these things do happen.  The Lord knows.  Look to the Lord who knows all things and be comforted by His grace to persevere in every time of trial.

Lord, as a sinner, I want revenge when it is by no fault of mine that I am being persecuted.  Grant that I would rest in Your grace and realize that You alone are able to handle every injustice, for You alone are able to discern what is right and fitting in every circumstance, Lead my heart to turn to You at all times and know that only in You can I find true peace that surpasses all understanding.

Lord Jesus, You have experienced the rebellion of the wicked first hand and know the false accusations that were raised against You.  In Your compassion and by Your understanding, lead me through these times of trial that will come that I may keep my eyes upon You and trust in Your never-failing support through all the tribulations of this world.  Lead me through Your grace dear Jesus.  Amen.

Saturday, October 15, 2017 Devotion

“For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.  Against You, You only, I have sinned and done what is evil in Your sight, so that You are justified when You speak and blameless when You judge.”  (Psalm 51:3-4)


Against the Lord have we sinned.  Yes, but what about sins against another?  All sin is ultimately against the Lord, which is why Jesus was able to forgive sins.  He forgave not only what was against others, but because all sin is ultimately against Him, He was able to forgive us.  This is why there was puzzlement that He forgave sins.  Yes, God forgives and His forgiveness is complete.


Lord, I have sinned against You even when I have sinned against my neighbor.  Help me I pray to live life in repentance that I would see that there are no small sins, but only sins against You.  Lead me to see my heart changed to be so intimate with You that I never forget this simple principle.  Lead me to live life righteously and teach me to look to You always and for all things.


Lord Jesus, the magnitude of what You have done is greater than I can begin to imagine.  Help me, I pray, to see in You the hope of glory and the truth of the grace I need.  Lead me in truth so that I may forever hold fast to what You have done from the cross.  Lead me today and always to know that against You only have I sinned, but the by repentance You will restore me to wholeness.  Amen.