Children’s Sermons
Pr. James FitzGerald and his wife Hanna FitzGerald provide the children’s sermons below. They make use of a puppet named Sammy.
Our Mission
We are a husband and wife team in ministry called to share the good news of our Lord Jesus with others. Our call to ministry includes serving the littlest believers and sharing the Gospels with them in an attainable, fun, and Biblically-based way. In a culture focused on what is trending on the internet, we are focused on the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus Christ our King. Our mission is to share the love of Jesus with children (and children at heart) through this puppet ministry.
How to use this script
This script includes lines for two characters: Sammy the Lamb and Pastor. If your congregation does not have a pastor, please know a deacon, youth director, or lay person may assume the role of “Pastor.” The script is adaptable to suit your needs as a congregation.
To read the full description, click here.
Photo was taken by Sally Murphy.[divider line_type=”Full Width Line” line_thickness=”1″ divider_color=”default”][recent_posts style=”classic_enhanced” color_scheme=”light” columns=”3″ category=”childrens-sermon” order=”DESC” orderby=”date” posts_per_page=”48″]