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We of Lutheran CORE believe that the choice of speakers for the recent ELCA Youth Gathering is one more example of the ELCA’s not honoring the commitments that were made at the 2009 Churchwide Assembly to give a place for a wide range of views, including the traditional view, within the church. We also believe that the ELCA is not respecting the boundaries that were set in the 2009 decisions. The assembly never addressed bisexuality or the issue of transgender persons or any of the other forms of sexual identity and expression that are a part of the LGBTQIA+ movement. The only kind of same gender relationships that were approved at that time were those that are publicly accountable, lifelong, and monogamous (PALMS). And yet what do we see the ELCA doing? Totally endorsing and catering to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Now that the ELCA Youth Gathering has ended we would like to know what you think. What have you heard from those who attended? Thank you for answering the following questions for us. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential (we will not reveal who our survey responders are or information that could identify them), but we may draw on the responses we receive in future publications discussing the impact of the youth gathering.


Do you have children, grandchildren, and/or youth from your congregation who attended the gathering?


As a parent or grandparent were you adequately informed of what would be happening, who would be speaking, and what would be promoted at the gathering?


As a member of a congregation who was asked to provide financial support for those attending, were you adequately informed of what would be happening, who would be speaking, and what would be promoted at the gathering?


Are your children, grandchildren, and/or youth from your congregation being given ample opportunity to process in a Christian faith setting what they heard at the gathering?


What aspects of the gathering do you think were good? In what way do you think the gathering was a blessing to those who attended?


What aspects do you think were not good?


What would you like to see happen at a future gathering?  Whom would you like to see as speaker(s)? What topic(s) would you like to see addressed?


What else would you like to say about the gathering?


Would you like to be added to Lutheran CORE's mailing list? If yes, please provide your email address below in order to receive letters from the director during even months of the year and CORE Voice newsletters during the odd months.


Thank you for your input. May the Lord continue to bless you.

Dennis D. Nelson

President of the Board and Director of Lutheran CORE Â