“Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all you stars of light! Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, and you waters above the heavens!” (Psalm 148:3-4)
What is praise but to acknowledge, and with your being, proclaim the truth. God is the Creator of all things. He is the One who holds all things together. In Him is light and life. That which He has created reflects who He is. The creation is not the Creator, but the creation reflects the One who made it. Praise the Lord above all things and know that it is He who has made all these things.
Lord, there are many things in creation which impress me, yet I often forget to praise You, the Maker of all things. Lead me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may praise You always for the goodness which I see every day. Guide me that I may now and always abide in the truth which is evident to my eyes, ears, nose and hands as I experience each day what You have created.
Lord Jesus, You teach us to rejoice in the goodness and mercy of the Father. In the prayer You taught us to pray, You taught us to express that each day we are given what we need. Help me to have a thankful heart, giving praise where it is due for all good things. Teach me to appreciate what is around me and reflect Your grace that speaks truth in my life. Let me be one who gives praise and thanksgiving. Amen.