Prayers of the Church, 7th Sunday of Easter or Ascension (Transferred), Cycle A (May 24, 2020)
With joyful confidence, let us approach our Lord’s throne of grace, there to pray on behalf of the Church, the world, and all people according to their need.
A brief silence
O God beyond all praising, we worship you and adore you. You have revealed your glory through your Son, who has risen and ascended and who reigns at your right hand forever.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Make your Church abide in Jesus, as he abides in you. Cause it to preach the Gospel of salvation and celebrate the Sacraments in accordance with that Gospel. Let it proclaim to the whole world your blessings without number and your mercy without end.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Grant to your persecuted people a firm confidence in the hope that has been established through the steadfast obedience of Christ their Lord. Give them grace to triumph through their sufferings and rise to serve you even in the presence of those who trouble them.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Unite our hearts with fellow disciples of your Son, and with missionaries of your Gospel. Let us all be so united to your beloved Son and with one another, that in everything, we glorify your Name and spread the bounties of your mercy throughout the world.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Let the radiance of our Beautiful Savior fill the hearts and sanctify the ministries of this congregation. Make our worship into a joyful duty, and our service into a sacrifice of praise. Use us to lead others to Jesus, that with us, they may worship, honor, bless and adore him.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
On this Memorial Day weekend, we lovingly commend into your care all our beloved dead, especially those who gave their life in service of their country. Keep their memories fresh and bright. Spur us to deeds of faithfulness, generosity, and self-sacrifice. And hasten the day when wars shall cease; evil is vanquished; every tear is wiped away; and you are truly all in all.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
You have appointed your Son as King of creation and Lord of the nations. Teach our leaders to praise your name; to love justice and righteousness; and to seek those things that make for peace. Come to the help of those whose lives are troubled by sorrow and hardship; and draw all people into the glorious and gentle rule of Christ their Savior.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
Keep in your care all who stand in harm’s way to right wrongs, establish safety, and protect life and liberty. Prosper all they do that serves your will. Bring them home safely and soon; heal those who are wounded. Help us value their skills and insights when they return to civilian life.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
We lift our hearts to you on behalf of all whose lives are clouded by any sort of affliction or sorrow, including: {List}. Let the light of Jesus’ countenance heal and cheer them. Let all who care for them do so with tenderness and compassion; and grant that together we may praise you for your unending mercies.
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
O Lord, those who have died trusting in your promises now see their Beautiful Savior face to face. Thank you for bestowing this blessing upon them. Continue to show to us your love. Though we are your unworthy servants, bless us with such good gifts as will sustain us and others in this life. Bring us into that endless life and light you share with all whom you have redeemed. Grant that into eternity we always sing, “Glory and honor, praise, adoration, now and forevermore be thine!”
Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.
We praise and magnify you, most holy Father; we entrust our prayers and petitions to you in the strong name and for the dear sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.