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“For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.  And those who will walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God” (Galatians 6:15-16).

The new creature is the one who walks with the Lord.  The new creation is what replaces the old Adam, who insists on laws and regulations instead of walking humbly with God.  Come then and do not walk in the way of the world; but walk in the way of the Lord who created all worlds.  Yes, there is order, but its purpose belongs to the One who calls you to follow Him always.

Lord, always be the One leading me in this new life You have given me by grace and through faith.  Help me to avoid the traps that are set up in this age of wickedness which would ensnare me in the law’s unyielding demands.  Guide me in the way of life You have established so that I would learn how to live as one freed from sin, always seeking to do what is pleasing to the Father.  Guide me, O Lord, for I know well the way of the old Adam, but I do not yet fully know the way You have established.

Lord Jesus, You gave us a new commandment which sums up all of the old commands and re-establishes what You initially created as the order of things.  Guide me, Lord and  Savior, in the way of everlasting life that lives by humbly abiding in You.  Teach me how to think, act, and have my being so that I may abide in the way of life everlasting.  Lord, help me overcome the ways of this world with Your grace and live always abiding in You and in the way You lead me.  Amen.

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