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“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ” (Philippians 3:7).

The First Commandment tells us to fear, trust, and love the Lord above all things.  Are you doing this?  Or, at least, is this the desire of your heart?  What is it that is more important than obeying the Lord?  You know the answer: nothing.  Why then do you cling to those things which get in the way of your relationship with the Lord?  Why not live into the hope and promise which is yours in Jesus?

Lord, take my heart.  Do not just guide it, but take it and move it where it needs to go.  Let nothing get in the way of all that needs to happen in me.  In You alone is all hope and the only future worth living.  You have given me life.  Help me, Lord so that I may live into the life You have given me.  Lead me now and always in this upward call to follow You above all things.

Lord Jesus, You know where I am and those false things to which I cling.  Remove them from me so that, like Paul, I can say that there is nothing I would not give up to be with You.  Today, help me do those things which are right in the Father’s sight.  Lead me in the narrow way You have set before me so that I would count no cost but Your cost for my salvation.  In You alone do I have hope, Lord!  Amen.

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