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“Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses” (1 Timothy 5:19).

The principle here has been violated in our modern culture.  In the name of those who abuse, there is another abuse where an elder only need be accused by one.  Look at the rule and not the exception.  The point of all matters of discipline is for the sake of faithfulness.  The elder may be accused by the one being held accountable, so be discerning.  The elder is there because of a call by the Lord and hopefully in maturity.

Lord, things are upside down in this age.  Help me learn, apply, accept, and understand the principles You have given that are good for all times and places.  Lead me in truth to see that in You alone can truth be understood.  You have not given these principles for privilege, but for the sake of all that we may grow in stature and wisdom.  Help me to learn how to apply these things.

Lord Jesus, You cared for all whom You met.  Those who accused You did so publically until Your trial when scheming took over.  Teach me to move away from the way the world does things that I may learn how to do them the way You would have me do them.  In all things, no matter my position, teach me to apply these principles in my own life and be an example to those who do not follow them.  Amen.

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