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“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age” (Titus 3:11-12)

The Lord is giving us a new life.  Those who are in Him give up the way of the world.  Look carefully and you will see that Paul says the same thing over and over again.  The gifts of the Spirit are the life characteristics that become a part of the one who is in the Lord.  Come then and live into the life which is yours in Christ.  Know that He has brought salvation to you this day.

Lord, I am aware of the struggle between what is right and the habits of the world.  Continue to grant me the fruits of the Spirit so that I would each day grow in the character You are implanting in me.  Help me always to see that in You alone is all hope.  The ways of the world are fleeting and temporary.  Your way is forever.  Guide me, dear Lord, in Your way always.

Lord Jesus, in You is all hope.  You have demonstrated for us how to live.  Help me learn as I hear Your story in the Gospels, pray and meditate.  Lead me according to what You know I need and grant that by Your grace I would gratefully receive what You are giving me.  Now and always, may I look to You, Lord, for guidance and direction knowing that You are implanting Your life in me.  Amen.

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