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“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).

We live our  three or four score years and those who are the elderly are celebrated if they make it to one hundred.  The One who will be, is, and who has always been, is our Savior.  What is one hundred years in the face of eternity?  He has come and He will come again at the end of the days of this age.  I do not know about you, but it sure seems to me that far too many, even in the church, treat Him as an afterthought, when He truly is the mighty God and the Creator of all things.

Lord, forgive me, for I too do not respect You with awe and wonder.  I too live my life as though it were mine and I created it.  Lord, You have come that by grace we would learn to live life as You created it to be lived.  Guide me, Lord, so that in Your mercy I would learn and be uplifted to live righteously.  You know where I am and what is needed.  Lead me according to Your goodness and provide all that is needed.

Alpha and Omega, the One who is, teach me to worship You in spirit and in truth with praise and thanksgiving.  You are worthy of all honor, thanks, and praise.  You are the One through whom all things have their being.  Guide me, Lord, in the way of life that You have established as You help me see things as they really are.  In You is my life, hope, and a future.  Prepare me to meet You face to face on that great and terrible day.  Amen.

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