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Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels who had seven plagues, which are the last, because in them the wrath of God is finished” (Revelation 15:1).

The number seven in Scripture is a number that can mean perfection or completion.  Christ has come to make you perfect, even as He is perfect.  What will it take to make you perfect?  The Lord will not stop until He has completed what He has come to do.  “Be perfect, even as your Heavenly Father is perfect.”  This is what Christ intends to do with You.  Will you walk with Him and see the Lord perfect you no matter what?

Lord, I like the idea of perfection, but I do not like the cost of suffering.  This world is difficult and yet this is how You will bring me to perfection?  The old Adam does not like it.  Slay the old Adam that I may be resurrected to walk in the likeness of Christ.  By whatever means, help me to submit, knowing that You will not stop until all is completed according to what You have intended from the beginning.  Thy will be done….

Lord Jesus, once again I turn to You and my only response is that I need to be saved.  Lead me according to Your goodness and righteous will to humbly walk in the way You would have me walk.  Guide me along the narrow path of salvation that, in all I say and do, and no matter whatever plagues I must endure, I would come ever closer to being like You my Lord and Savior.  Do not stop until You have completed this task in me!  Amen.  

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