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“These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful” (Revelation 17:14).

The wicked ones have always been waging war against the church.  The principalities that gathered around the cross, thinking they were about to win, lost the war, but the battle rages on in this age.  The Creator of the universe, the Lamb, the King of kings will prevail.  Without Him nothing can exist.  That is what is so silly about the devil.  He cannot exist without the Lord.

Lord, You know how often I act as though I can do it on my own.  I can do nothing apart from You.  You have given me life.  You have created all things.  In this age, I will face adversity.  Let me be strengthened in the knowledge that in and through You alone can I do all things.  You are the Sovereign One and nothing will prevail against Your church.  You have said that the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

Lord Jesus, in the hope You give, guide me in the truth of Your word.  Help me to know that in You is all hope and an eternal future.  Help me also to realize that I will fight against forces and principalities the whole of my time in this age.  Grant me fortitude to stand firm in the truth You have revealed and not to give in to the temptation of either moving from it or compromising the Good News You have given me in grace. Amen.

Lord Jesus, in the hope You give, guide me in the truth of Your word.  Help me to know that in You is all hope and an eternal future.  Help me also to realize that I will fight against forces and principalities the whole of my time in this age.  Grant me fortitude to stand firm in the truth You have revealed and not to give in to the temptation of either moving from it or compromising the Good News You have given me in grace. Amen.

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