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“He said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?  He entered the house of God and ate the bread of the Presence, which it was not lawful for him or his companions to eat, but only for the priests” (Matthew 12:3-4).  

 Jesus said nothing that was not already evident in Scripture.  Practical is sometimes more important than the detailed, nuanced, interpretation that traps people.  We are not here to figure out the letter of the law.  We are to live within the boundaries of the law and live the life that we have been given.  The Lord knows our need and provides for us.  This is not freedom to do as we please, but liberty to do what is right in the sight of the Lord. 

 Lord, I suspect I will take this principle and push it to its limits, excusing any kind of behavior to do as I wish.  Place firm boundaries around me so that I neither grant freedom to myself where there is none nor restrict myself or others from the freedom You grant.  Grant wisdom to discern when to be free and when to remain bound by Your constraints.  Teach me to trust and obey Your leading. 

 Come, Holy Spiri and in Your wisdom, guide me each day to live within the bounds You grant me. Help me to look to You. and not others, lest I take my freedom for granted and live sinfully or use what I know to limit others to my limitations.  Help me to see others as You do and to loosen or bind as You lead.  In all things, may I always remember that it is to You that all things should point.  Amen. 

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