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“And He directed the people to sit down on the ground; and He took the seven loaves and the fish; and after giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds” (Matthew 15:35-36).

Our Lord is a Lord of order.  In this world, when free things are handed out there is often a mob.  Jesus has us sit down and be orderly.  Sin confuses, and righteousness calms and clarifies.  With thanksgiving, what is needed is provided.  Why do you worry?  Why are you anxious?  Does God not know what we need?  Will He not provide all that is needed?  Yes!  With good order, mercy, plenty of grace, and love, our Lord provides.

Lord, many fall into a way of acting such that they become excited, push their way in, and want to be first.  You teach us to sit down with You and to be anxious for nothing.  Lead us, Lord, in the way You know we need to go.  Grant understanding so that we see things simply and the way they truly are.  When You do something, help us to accept the order of how You do things.  Guide us  in the way You know we need to move.

Lord Jesus, You do so many things at the same time.  I look at the miracle, but often forget the lessons You are teaching.  Help me to come fully into Your will so that I do all that You command.  Guide me today in the upward way and lead me to be patient and kind with all others.  You are first, and I will be where You place me.  Like the disciples, teach me to walk amongst the crowd doing what You direct me to do.  Amen.

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