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Luke 1:39-45 [46-55]


Pastor: Good morning, everyone! Let’s say good morning to our friend

Sammy and see if she is there. 1, 2, 3 GOOD MORNING SAMMY!

Sammy: Good morning, everyone! Pastor! Guess what!

Pastor: Yes Sammy?

Sammy: A ewe on our farm is having an another Lamb! I’m going to have more friends!

Pastor: That’s great Sammy. It’s always great to have another life coming into the world.

Sammy: Your mentioned two babies in our gospel reading today. One of them leaped in his mother’s belly. Why did he do that?

Pastor: Well, the two babies I spoke about today were John the Baptist and Jesus. They were both alive inside the bellies of their mama’s, Mary and Elizabeth.

Sammy: You mean Jesus was a baby just like all of us were? That’s amazing!

Pastor: Yes it is, and you can find him in our church today! Boys and girls where can we find baby Jesus in our church today!

Wait for answers

Sammy: Those are great answers everyone! Pastor Jim. You didn’t answer my question. Why did John leap in his mother’s womb?

Pastor:  John even as a little baby in his mother’s belly recognized the savior to the whole world. That even as a very little person he was already doing what he would as an adult. Point people to Jesus.

Sammy: Wow, if he can point people to Jesus before he is even born, we can do it now even when we are small.

Pastor: Yes, we can. Boys and Girls, can you pray with me today? Fold your hands and bow your heads. Dear Jesus, help us to point to you like John. So others may find you. Thank you, lord Jesus for saving us. Amen

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